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Everything posted by dc20willsave

  1. Ditto. Banner ads are a small price to pay for giving us all a way to waste time.
  2. Rob Liefeld on Shatterstar's Outing: First off, I hate it when people cover up homophobic remarks with "I have gay family but..." If anything, it just shows that you should know better and realize that what you're saying might be considered hurtful by a person in the community. Hell, prefacing the comment with that is just giving a red light to anyone reading it that what's to come is potentially offensive. However, over all, I'd say this has more to do with Liefeld's ego. I get that he co-created the character but, quite frankly, he worked on him for about a handful of Shatterstar's appearances. Liefeld is really more annoyed that someone is doing something interesting with a character he created that doesn't involve crotches flying into people's faces and women who exist to be nymphos and walking busts. That's the danger of working in the comic book industry that even readers can recognize: you don't own the characters. Even if you created it, once you cease writing, you don't control it anymore. I know that's part of the reason that Liefeld left Marvel to begin with so, I'd expect him to realize of all people that this is out of his hands and bitching about it isn't going to change that. If something is really unpopular, then it will probably get retconned but when it's something that people have been waiting for for years like this thing with Shatterstar, it's likely to stick. I can't remember a time I haven't thought that Shatterstar was a fan of Cher. On a side note, don't mix your references. If he's like Maximus in Gladiator, obviously he can't also be a Spartan. Spartans are from a completely different area, culturally and regionally, from Rome. Please, do your research. It's not that hard.
  3. I'm taking it that the chicken was rather "fowl"?
  4. I'll admit, I have all 51 issues of Countdown... up until I moved, needed to lighten the load, and decided to pitch it all. Countdown 51-1: 153 Dollars Plastic Trash Bag: 10 Cents Knowing that when I go through my collection I will never see an issues of Countdown in there, mocking me: Priceless.
  5. dc20willsave


    My bad, the 60's were fifth generation. Lowest memory of the classic models is currently 80 but, for whatever odd reason, the 120 is actually cheaper. Makes no sense to me but whatever.
  6. dc20willsave


    There are 60, 80, and 120 gig models.
  7. Actually, Michelle is sounding like a geek also. She's described as "not sure how she’ll cope without the Internet" and even says she's a geek. Extra points for having been a band geek. Band geeks rock (in 4/4)!
  8. Just watched Day two. I swear, it keeps getting better. I'm almost dreading watching the next three days because I just know they have to be disappointments considering how well things are going so far. You're really getting into things then BAM, "Love and Monsters" pops out of no where and drags the momentum that got built to shreds.
  9. dc20willsave

    Secret Six

    I'd also recommend Birds of Prey: Dead of Winter which features the Six heavily. It's not a neccesary read but it's hella worth it since . I think the thing I like most about the Six is
  10. I want to buy Evil Bong 2: King Bong just for the cover.
  11. dc20willsave


    Totally agree. About the Kyle Rayner, not the no personality and bad afro part unless that's something you're proud of then sure.
  12. I enjoyed the episode. It was slow at first but, over all, I counted that up to be a five-parter. I'm also liking the Ianto/Jack relationship.
  13. From The Source Blog: Wow, they took Winnick off already. That was fast, especially for hyping it up quite a bit.
  14. dc20willsave


    Whoever did it, that is so awesome that every child should be forced to get up in the morning and stare at it for ten minutes before having their Cheerios.
  15. Okay, just making it clear that you're not a monster or something.
  16. Well, please tell us you have enough self-respect to be a normal vampire and not one of the sparkly kind. If so, well, ignore the people you see coming by your house with pointy wooden sticks.
  17. Anyone else watch the first part of Torchwood: Children of Earth yet?
  18. No fair Don't worry; it'll be available on BBC America with about 14 minutes hacked out of it in eight or nine months. And Rape-Whistle Ronald will lip synch to Scissor Sisters but it will be cut out of the American release as well.
  19. As I don't know what either of you look like all that well, all I see is Malcom Reynolds giving it to Bear Monster... I remember a time, not that long ago, where I didn't have to think about these things. Yeah, those were some good times.
  20. But we can get British TV over here without crawling back. Sure, we have to get it with pieces cut out to allow for corporate sponsorship but my God, is it worth it!
  21. I agree with Koete. While during most of Zeta I haven't been listening as intently, Static is going to keep me pretty well interested.
  22. I picked up the second batch at my local Comic-con this past year. I enjoyed most of it. It's worth it for probably the most original take on The Joker I can remember. The nice thing is if you're a DC Junkie, you see names getting dropped and get intrigued by what's going on with them.
  23. dc20willsave


    I think he's after my brain.
  24. That's kinda awesome though I would prefer if Morrison stays away from Wonder Woman. Gail Simone is doing too good of a job with her right now and I don't think there's a reason to go into the "bondage elements" since there is enough golden age material that goes into that aspect. I'd still buy it if Morrison wrote Wonder Woman since I love Morrison and love WW but I would go into it skeptical. And Clive Barker? Awesome as always.