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In a rare bit of ROH showing some personality, they did a "Night of Hoopla", which I guess in kayfabe was supposed to be an entire show booked by Truth Martini.

Jay Lethal and Delirious did a move for move reenactment of Savage/Warrior from WM7. It was glorious.

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I actually watched the entire TNA show this week as Destination X has been a surprisingly good PPV the last few years. And this sucked. The X-Division 3-ways are just so unnatural and off. At no time in that main event Sabin come off as anything other than a fluke. When Ares won last year it felt like a hot act getting a push. This feels like normal TNA stupid. As soon as the match was over, I checked the spoilers for next week because I felt this was a Jericho/HHH 'title win'. It's not, but still. That match was horrible, slow and boring.

The big company wide storyline is Aces & Eights vs. Main Event Mafia, with the entire goal of the MEM to bring back the title to TNA. Well, that is over. Yeah, Bully most likely wins it back and faces Magnus at Bound For Glory, but so what? They killed the whatever heat that had. And that is a problem I have with this X-Division cash-in: it happens in the middle of the BFG Series. Do it before or after and I think it would flow better.

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The Daniel Bryan Show that took up the last 45 minutes of Raw was awesome, yes Ryback just about sucked out all the heat and almost killed him in the last segment, that said, Bryan vs Cesaro was awesome (though who really doubted that)

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A very cold show in general. A lot of matches that really had no issue behind them and an ending that didn't really make next week a must watch. Should be interesting to see how that Bryan segment did ratings-wise.

Also, Alex Riley is still alive.

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TNA is an absolute mess right now. They're bleeding money and talent. They're also running out of bookers.

They had to scrap their whole card at a recent house show because 6 of their wrestlers didn't have licenses to compete in that state. That meant some wrestlers had to work two matches. They tried to fix it by offering free backstage meet and greets to the fans, but Jeff Hardy was an asshole and was charging 20 bucks for pictures and refused to sign autographs.

How do you not know six of your wrestlers don't have current licenses where you are booking them? Reminds me of the immigration problems they had a couple years ago where they didn't know one of the Knockouts work visa had expired.

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Yeah, he's not big but man can he stare a hole through you when he wants.

They both looked rather tired and grumpy. It's just a recurring trend that every single time I've met a wrestler (and I've met a lot), I've always been taller than them. I'm only 6'0".

For a guy that's billed at 6'2", he's 5'10" at the absolute most.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Des wired me some money last week (I bought something for the Reddicks - I don't think it's something he does on a whim) and as I rarely have money in my PayPal, I went a bit crazy on eBay this past week. I'm now the proud owner of DVDs, namely Phantom of the Paradise, Three Men and a Baby, all three Toy Story films as a boxset and, most relevantly, Wrestlemania XX. I was living in Banff when it occurred and was following it online in an internet cafe at the time. I've seen the PPV before, but over the last couple of nights I rewatched in full.

I've never watched wrestling on a regular basis ever due to never having the right TV package and, for reasons I'll get onto in a bit, I've not really followed the scene with much enthusiasm since 2007. As such, I can't hold the PPV up against many other Wrestlemanias as I think I've only otherwise seen 16-19 in full - whilst I did watch WM in the company of others in 2007 & 2008, I passed out drunk both times before the end and missed the best matches.

On the whole, the booking was pretty strong throughout. Not-yet-stale face John Cena cheated The Big Show out of the US title, there was a Cruiserweight gauntlet involving both Chavo Guerreros, The Undertaker "returned" with Paul Bearer in tow and the Trish Stratus heel turn occurred at the climax of Jericho v Christian, which was one of the better matches on the card. Eddie v Angle was very well done and then, famously, the triple threat main event.

Now, I was introduced to wrestling through the initial WCW N64 games powered by THQ/AKI, who would later make WWF No Mercy, which Pandy & I played to death. Through World Tour/Revenge, we started watching WCW Worldwide, which was essentilly a compilation of random Nitro/Thunder matches. And some 4 years before I joined the Oratory, I latched onto Chris Benoit, as he was a face who had been wronged (if memory serves, by Sting). As such, I was always a big fan of Benoit. The night I learned of his (and his immediate family's) fate, was my university leaver's ball when Pandy texted me. Some six years on, I've never known exactly how I should feel about a) the circumstances of his death, and b) how to regard his legacy as a result. Lord knows, the Oratory and the WWE are not the best places to go for a reasoned examination of such issues.

Sometimes I can separate the artist from the art, sometimes I can't - to me, it very much depends on the individual circumstances. Watching WMXX and the main event, I didn't watch feeling revulsion. The ending with Eddie still made me well up. The only part that did make me feel uneasy was the backstage segment between the two where Benoit plays up the lifetime build-up - I expect it to be played up by JR and Lawler, but it did ring false, retrospectively, coming out of Benoit's mouth. That being said, I know so little about the circumstances of the Benoit family murder-suicide (me, and most everyone, but let's not deny the internet a hate bandwagon) that I didn't automatically connect this main event match with the death of a woman and her son. Heck, I still have the Benoit DVD, and again, I reckon I could still watch the matches without any problem. The documentary? That would be a lot more difficult, but it remains an interesting insight into how things were beforehand. My point is, whilst I see the rationale behind downplaying Benoit's legacy as much as possible, I don't like the airbrushing of history. Benoit was an incredible wrestler with a fascinating career. I understand that his crime was horrendous and unforgiveable, but plenty of people who did unspeakable things are studied, because the greater the context surrounding them is analysed, the greater understanding we have of humanity as a whole.

But yeah, WM XX was pretty decent. Although I definitely fast-forwarded through the segment where Sgt Slaughter interviewed Donald Trump at ringside.....

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Just finished SummerSlam.

Pre-show of Ambrose vs. RVD was a great opener for the live crowd, but didn't quite do it for me. RVD just looks old and slower and still trying to do the same style.

Kane/Wyatt was bad, but I expected that going in. But this was really bad. I get why it opened the show (more logistical than anything), but it had no heat. Pun.

Sandow/Rhodes and Christian/Del Rio were both solid. I skipped the divas match as well as the mixed tag. I doubt I missed anything. Poor Dolph.

Punk/Lesnar was excellent. Nice pace, some great spots (kamura into triangle and random Masato Tanaka spot) and a really hot crowd. Initial thought is that this is Lesnar best match since his comeback, but the only real competition is the Cena match, but I think that might be the instant factor talking.

And the main event. It was good, but it felt off. I just never felt comfortable watching. The finish to the match itself was rather sudden to me, but that is more due to Bryan not having a non-submission finish. The ending to the show was predictable, which isn't a bad thing per say. It is really all about the follow-up. If this was delayed gratification then it works. If this was a blow-off, then it doesn't. I myself was hoping for a Jericho-style 'beat both in one night', but whatyougonnado.

All in all, a solid show with a must see match in Punk/Lesnar.

Side note: I never realized how hard I have to work to avoid PPV spoilers. It was weird.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It is really all about the follow-up. If this was delayed gratification then it works. If this was a blow-off, then it doesn't.

Three weeks later and I have yet to be a fan of any of this. Delayed gratification works, but not on the path they have chosen. Bryan is not winning the title back so soon. He has been beat down every single show. I'm sure he will get a glimmer next week and then fail at the PPV due to some sort of dirty means. Underdogs are great, but that is not carte blanche to beat the guy every week.

But what this really boils down to is HHH. Now, I am no fan, but I like him in the corporate role more than Vince at this point. But the entire 'Good For Business' tagline this feud has just falls flat. And, his heel turn has totally overshadowed Randy Orton. Orton is non-existent in this feud. It could be JTG and nothing would be different.


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Yeah, this has gotten ridiculous to the point of being outright boring. Every fucking show ends this way:

Entire roster is brought out on stage and neutered beyond belief

Daniel Bryan gets the shit beaten out of him by the Shield and others

HHH and the McMahons circle jerk each other

Randy Orton stands victorious over Bryan's corpse

End show.

I mean, literally, that is how each of the last three shows has ended. Bryan is going to lose steam so badly from all these beatings. This company has no clue how to write much of anything.

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The "what's good for business" makes no sense in this storyline. Why would putting a heel as champion be better for business than a babyface that sells more merch? The roof is blown off every time Brian walks out and somehow it's better to have Orton, who still gets a few cheers and a lot of sitting on hands? In terms of storyline, it doesn't add up. HHH has made the whole thing about him anyways, so I guess it doesn't matter.

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Yeah, this has gotten ridiculous to the point of being outright boring. Every fucking show ends this way:

Entire roster is brought out on stage and neutered beyond belief

Daniel Bryan gets the shit beaten out of him by the Shield and others

HHH and the McMahons circle jerk each other

Randy Orton stands victorious over Bryan's corpse

End show.

Add the stage "Stephanie says something that indicates either she's concussed or a pathological liar"

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