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And that's Action Comics #1 finished.

Overall, it's my favourite of the DCnU so far. It felt like the most well rounded, it had several different parts of Clark's life that it introduced, while still giving some action scenes, and showing how long he'd been Superman for (Six months) so that was good. Lex Luthor drinking an energy drink while he talks down to Sam Lane was fucking awesome.

My one complaint was this like the rest felt incomplete. Not to spoil the end of the issue, but if this was a Superman cartoon, where the issue ends, the screen would have went black, and it would be the halfway point for the episode, and then we would have been given a somewhat conclusion to this story. I know that's how comics usually work, but it doesn't stop it from feeling a bit jarring here, and in the other DC books that I've read recently.

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Hawk and Dove, Animal Man, and Batwing, that's my lot for the first week done.

Hawk and Dove: Pretty interesting, I'm interested in the plot of where Dove came from, my guess:

She's Hawk from an alternate timeline, or his daughter.

Art was for the most part, pretty good. The zombie thing looked fucking strange, but it's a zombie, so it would look a bit jarring compared to everything else. I'm sticking with this for a storyline.

Batwing: Not bad, not great either. Basically sets up his world and has Batman guest star to make sure people pick up the book, and introduce his world and other things. Ending was nice, I think I'll give this a second issue before I decide to stick around for longer or not.

Animal Man: Art was strange. This did not feel like it was up to the normal levels you'd expect from a book by Marvel/DC, it was so different from everything else, so it has that going for it. I do hope it improves for next month though. Story was kind of fucked up, and yet enjoyable. It wasn't the best book in the world, but I'm interested in Buddy's family dynamic and the ending was great, so this is getting a storyline from me at the very least.

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Speaking of Stormwatch, the first issue was pretty hit and miss for me. Mostly miss.

- I'll admit it - I was a big fan of "The Authority" when I was in college. I thought it was an awesome allegory to the Justice League. And it was pretty well written. But this comic basically did absolutely nothing to introduce the group. If the DCnU is supposed to bring in new readers, this was an abject failure.

- The moon is going to attack Earth. The fuck?

- I know there's a select group of people that have always had a hard-on for Midnighter, but him being able to decimate the group's heavy-hitters — particularly fucking J'onn!! - with basically a single punch each? Bullshit. Fucking bullshit.

- Speaking of Midnighter, the only thing that made him and Apollo original was their deep, often tender, sincere love for each other. If they're just meeting here, then why do we need them in the universe at all? I get that Midnighter's like a psychically enhanced version of Wolverine, with a bit of Batman's wardrobe mixed in - but isn't that a bit much?

- Is Apollo really going to be stronger than Superman? Are we really going to go there?

- The best things about this book, for me, were the concept of Stormwatch being a legendary group of heroes that has been caring for the Earth for centuries and the return of Jack Hawksmoor, who I'm a total mark for.

Anyone else read it?

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reviews of what i've read this week

batman and robin: batman was sensitive a and robin was a dick, but all in all i liked the book

batwoman: i loved it, i know it was all setup but i love batwoman. that out of the way i think it showed way too much skin, i know its a comic book and writers, artists and readers all have their fantasies but i think two pages full of panty shots side boob and stratigicly placed foreground is just a bit overboard.

deathstroke: a great action packed read without actually doing much or telling us much about whats going to be happening in the story

green lantern: didnt really like it, i like sinestro but he's boring, and hal is even more boring

grifter: no idea what this book is about, does he have powers? is he just a guy with a hanky? and how will that thing protect his identity when a gust of wind will show everyone who he is?

red lanterns: nothing but back story and homosexual undertones, not saying any of this is bad it's just a bit draggy. also rage kitty is the shit

resurrection man: an interesting one, its a bit confusing but i think i can follow.

suicide squad: don't let harely and amanda drive you away from this one, it is a damn good read, my pick of the week. with a scene that actually almost made me wanna cry for a super villian.

superboy: setup to a big story it seems but the splash page at the end of the book confuses me, and it seems like they're trying to update the dcnu way too much with refferences to the nintendo wii and a mary sue refference that doesnt make sense. all in all i like it though it was a good read for me.

also reviews from two that i didnt read last week that i gt to today

animal man: strange to say but it's the most down to earth story so far, its not star spanning its not a character everyone's known sense their own birth, but it seems some one had very serious love for it and put their everything into it. alot of love and care was put into this book and everyone should read it.

static shock: i loved it it was all my childhood memories of watching the show brought into my adult mind and it was so much fun

this review was brought to you by the mind of chris and please be aware that i am a beginer to comics and these are my views

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deamon knights was plain shit, the book i was looking forward to most was shit. it was a clusterfuck of character introductions stupid "plot twists" and the inability to know what the hell was going on. and with no ryming other than the transformation spell i refuse to call him the demom

daemon Look up daemon at Dictionary.com

alternative spelling (in specialized senses) of demon (q.v.). Related: Daemonic.


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So here are my two cents on Batgirl and Justice League.

They are more or less start up comics.

Pilots if you will.

And I am perfectly okay with that.

It is pretty obvious that these issues will flow better once they are issued in TPB. But for now, I am pretty jazzed to see how the characters in JL will react once they all team up.

I do like that we get to see Cyborg before his accident.

Batgirl is pretty awesome and spunky. I am really diggin' her characterization.

Now I've read The Killing Joke, so I know she was paralyzed, but does that time not count or something now?

I'll be heading out tomorrow to snag a copy of Demon Knights for my sister, the Green Arrow & Spectre fan, and The Resurrection Man for me. :)

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deamon knights was plain shit, the book i was looking forward to most was shit. it was a clusterfuck of character introductions stupid "plot twists" and the inability to know what the hell was going on. and with no ryming other than the transformation spell i refuse to call him the demom

daemon Look up daemon at Dictionary.com

alternative spelling (in specialized senses) of demon (q.v.). Related: Daemonic.


i suck at spelling i already knew that

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Flipped through Mr. Terrific #1 and it was pretty shit. One thing though:

At one point, Karen Starr is crashing on his couch during a business trip. Apparently, they're old buddies who both just happen to be brilliant billionaire businessmen. You give boring ass Mr. Terrific a book, but Power Girl is a cameo, and might not be a hero at all? UGH.

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That's bad, but it will fly over most heads.

That said, it's not as bad as Tom Brevoort's epic fail in Fantastic Four #570. The new storyline was called "Solve Everything," so on the credits page, to pay tribute to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, as he always does, he called them "the final solution." :facepalm: Within days of the publication of the issue he took full responsibility for the blunder and apologized for it.

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