X-men Draft


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Sometimes, there's no school like the old school. And as a former member of the team, Wolfsbane is looking for something familiar she can fall into, and something that can help her further her search for her son. Excalibur fits that perfectly.

Side note: seriously what the fuck is with my last two picks having seriously fucked up pregnancy stories within the last few years?

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I really was looking to build a female-heavy team. So many of the x-teams are such sausage fests that I thought it might be nice to break it up a bit.

Edit: in hindsight that sounds a bit harsh as most of the teams have more than just a token female, but I can't think of an x-team where the gender balance is in favour of the women.

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Bringing up this run yet again I know, Mike Carey's X-men in the Supernovas storyline comprised of Rogue, Omega Sentinel, Mystique, Lady Mastermind as the female members and Iceman, Cannonball, Cable, and Sabertooth as the guys. That's a good level gender balance that's rare in any comics team.

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I really was looking to build a female-heavy team. So many of the x-teams are such sausage fests that I thought it might be nice to break it up a bit.

Edit: in hindsight that sounds a bit harsh as most of the teams have more than just a token female, but I can't think of an x-team where the gender balance is in favour of the women.

It doesn't happen often, but there have been a few female-heavy teams:

The original Excalibur had three women (Kitty, Rachel, and Meggan) and two men (Kurt and Brian, three if you count Lockheed).

When Peter David re-launched X-Factor in 2005, the team had four women (Theresa, Monet, Layla, and Rahne) and three men (Jamie, Guido, and Julio).

The original Generation X lineup was odd, in that two characters were actually three people; the whole M / Penance thing is confusing, what with M being Penance, but then her twin sisters being M and later Penance. I don't know. It was a fucked up comic. Anyway, that team had six women (Emma, Monet, Jubilee, Paige, Penance, and technically Blink) and four men (Banshee, Chamber, Skin, and Synch).

Speaking of teen teams, initially the New Mutants had three women (Rahne, Danielle, and Karma) and two men (Sam and Roberto). The reason I don't count Xavier as a member of the New Mutants but I do count Emma and Sean as members of Generation X is because they went on missions with the kids, while the professor did not. And you could add Kitty to the list of women, too.

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At one point my joke name for my team was going to be The X-Fag Hags since I was going to have a mostly female team with Northstar, Richtor, and Shatterstar as the male members. Then I realized how odd that might be and, to be fair, Elixir and Chamber are both characters that deserve a larger moment in the sun, especially Chamber who has just been screwed left and right as far as stories go since Generation X. Scarlet Witch was going to be my fourth round pick but Austen got her first so oh well, her son is available, let's use him.

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My team is a total sausage-fest except for Rachel. It is that way by design.

My first team thought (MI-13) was going to be 5 females, 2 males and a female villain! Initially of course.

And Preston, I really thought Cable was going in the first round. I also got everyone I wanted save one from my initial list. I'll need a splash of cold water if anyone picks my seventh before me.

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I'm pretty sure I know who Des wants, and no-one else could possibly want him.

I bet you don't know. It's:


As far as the lesson on great power meaning great responsibilty goes, no one understands it as well as Mikhail Rasputin. As the surviving member of Cosmonaut team he couldn't save, he ended up a god-like figure on a faroff planet where his power killed many innocents. Next, as the leader of the Morlocks, he accidentally killed many of them, taking the survivors as members of his Gene Nation, whom he also failed. In a last ditch attempt to save his little sister from the Legacy Virus, he ended up killing her definitively. Finally, as one of The Twelve, his sacrifice is what saved the X-Men from the Horsemen, allowing them to defeat Apocalypse. Mikhail is a little mad, and morally...interesting. A being of godlike power, his is a position of insurance, beyond that of a teleporter, on this team. Mikhail is expected to be the one last thing standing between a tumultuous world and the end of reality itself.

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