The Omniverse Draft!


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It was proving to be a very, very dark and stormy night. She could feel the chill of the downpour on her face, matting her rather impressive coiffure of crimson locks to her skull. Droplets slid down her leather outfit to pool at the edge of the small cornice that jutted out less than a foot from the facade.

She checked her pistol, cocked it, looked down the twenty stories to the streets below.

Later on, when her handler would pull her out of this city made of 1's and 0's, her world would turn grey and lifeless again, and she would struggle to show any interest in what happened around her. But she was dangerous.

Have you thought about what it might be like to be like this, wild and beautiful and dangerous all the time


"Not now," she whispered. "Working."

You can't pretend to ignore me all the time. I know you. I know how much you hate emerging from these artificial worlds and moving through the here and now. I know how you want to romp through worlds full of electric light bulb pistols and flying viking ships all the time. I know you want to be Anna all the time.

"Not now," she whispered again, more insistent. "Working."

You have a certain skill set. You have experience in moving between different realities. You can help the other chosen operatives cope. And you can have what you always wanted. You can be the woman of our dreams 24/7. And all you have to do is come with me."

"In case you hadn't noticed, you're a disembodied voice and I'm on a window ledge on a very tall building about to leap off in an effort to land on a floating ship destined to destroy hundreds of sad psuedo-people."

Don't worry about. I can provide transport. All you have to provide, Anna Mercury--

"Not my name."

It will be to me, and to everyone I recruit. Are you game?

When Anna Mercury leapt into space, there was a hole hanging in the air beneath her. The raiders preparing to commit a terrorist act in the name of Nikolai Tesla looked up, swords and guns at the ready to defend their beautiful ship.

And she was gone.

There was a bigger matter to attend to.


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Quinn Mallory, having delivered Reed Richards to his doomed Earth to begin his research, quickly opened another reality spanning portal. As he crosses the threshold to this new Earth, Quinn laments, Reed might be the most brilliant man on any Earth, but I need... the world needs someone who's lived through this.

Just as he finishes his thought, Quinn enters a gleaming, icy chamber. Towering snow-white crystals crisscross, creating a beautiful array of Earthly glory and something from beyond the stars. For a moment, a boyish smile washes away the grim thoughts he's been plagued by.

And then it happens.

With grace and power shared only with eagles, a man glides down from an upper level. His body is large, thick like a farmer's. Even without his powers, Quinn guesses this man would be tough in a fight. The red and yellow crest on his chest grows closer and closer, and it's all he can focus on. Quinn has no idea the family tradition behind the S, but he knows it brings hope — he can feel it in his bones. And then just as the man lands, he finally notices the full head of white hair.

"I am Jor-El. Who might you be," he commands without a hint of anger.

"I'm, uh," Quinn's voice cracks. In all of his travels, he's seen many bizarre and wonderful things — including Mr. Fantastic's ability to stretch — but the sight of someone flying was nothing short of godly. "I'm Quinn Mallory. I'm here to, ah, ask for your help."

"It isn't often I have guests up here, Mr. Mallory. Might I ask how it is you made your way?"

Still impressed by Jor-El's grace and flight, Quinn stares at the man for a moment. However, he quickly pulls himself out of it with a shake of his head, and shows Jor-El the timer.

"This brought me here."

Jor-El glances down at the small, square device.

"Fascinating! A handheld dimensional gateway. I created something similar back... home, but it was on a larger scale. Did you invent this?"

The imaginative joy that filled Jor-El's voice calmed Quinn. Without meaning to, he impressed a man with who can soar through the sky.

"Yes, sir. Yes. And this is what I wanted to talk about."

"Would you like a seat."

"Thank you, sir, but I have little time. See, my world is dying."

The words, not the climate of the icy chamber, chilled Jor-El.

"Please, go on."

"I come from Earth... another Earth. And I don't know why, but it's... it's breaking apart. Earthquakes have destroyed entire cities. Hawaii is... it's gone." And those words chilled Quinn, bringing to mind the unknown fate of his lost love: Wade. But he presses on, "Volcanic eruptions have spewed ash into the air. It's nearly unbreathable. People are dying. And I need help. I need your help."

For a moment, the impossibly powerful man looks weak. His broad shoulders slump. "I assume you're telling me this because you know the fate of my home. Of Krypton." It wasn't a question, but Quinn nods in the affirmative. "After Krypton's tragic end, I vowed no such fate would ever befall my adopted world. My life and my science are devoted to Earth's wellbeing." Jor-El pauses for a moment to gather his thoughts, but before he can continue, Quinn adds:

"I know you have no reason to care about my Earth, not when you have this one. But I know what it means to be stranded. To think, 'This is it. This is now my home.'" Quinn taps the timer. "I tell myself it was luck that got me back home, but I fought every day to make it back. And now that I have, I will fight to save it! But we need your help. Please help us!"

"In Krypton's dying days, I was labeled a prophet of doom. I was censured. So I fled here with my family, with my wife and son. To save them, we fled everything we ever knew. We made a life here, a wonderful life! But I often think back to Krypton. I often wonder what if I stayed. Could I have convinced the council to look into my findings, to save my home. Could I have saved Krypton? Or would I have doomed myself with them?" Then, with a smile on his lips, Jor-El once more broadens his shoulders. "Your spirit, Mr. Mallory, reminds me of my more youthful days. I was a bit of a wild one, and I respect a man who'll speak his mind. Who'll never stop to save those he cares about."

Quinn's blue eyes sparkle with hope. "You'll come?!"

"Of course."

Within the great fortress, another white portal opens, and in the two men step — hope overflowing their hearts.


Two things:

01. This is the Jor-El from Superman: The Last Family of Krypton.

02. I blatantly took the following line from that story: "After Krypton's tragic end, I vowed no such fate would ever befall my adopted world. My life and my science are devoted to Earth's wellbeing." So all credit to Cary Bates for that.

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