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Everything posted by annericelover

  1. Okay, we all know that the #1 favorite Clark Kent/Superman is Christopher Reeve, but why. I wanna know your top 5 actors to put of the glasses and cape. I will give you info on each of the men who were lucky enough to put that on, than give you my top 5 and why: Roy Middleton; only put on the cape it was for the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade of 1940. Obviously he hasn't had an influence, but being that he was the first man to ever wear the outfit, I figured he deserves recognition. Bud Collyer; is noted for portraying the Man of Steel the most out of any other voice actor. The first being on the Radio show in 1940, alongside Joan Alexander as Lois Lane. Alexander would also join Bud Collyer in the Max Fleisher Cartoons produced by Paramount in the 1940's. His incredible voice acting and ability to change up his voice when portraying Clark Kent and than Superman is what would be the inspiration for the Kevin Conroy performance of Batman/Bruce Wayne in the Bruce Timm DCAU of the 90's and early Millenium. This incredible voice acting would serve him well when asked later to portray the voice again in 1966-1969 through various incarnations of the Filmation produced Superman cartoons. Kirk Alyn is noted for being the first EVER Live Action Actor to portray Superman on the big screen. While technology was still a baby in 1948, Alyn did manage to portray a future modeled Superhero in the present. Although, his flying was done by Animation it was still a breakthrough during the time. Kirk Alyn would make make another appearance as The Man of Steel in 1950 in the sequel to "Superman" in the film "Atom Man Vs Superman" this would also mark the first live action Luthor played by Lyle Talbot(at this time Luthor was his only name, not Lex Luthor). Kirk Alyn would appear later as Lois Lane's father Sam Lane in Superman: The Movie, alongside Noel Neil as Lois Lane's mother, who is the first live action Lois Lane. George Reeves is probably the best known pre-Christopher Reeve Superman's. He portrayed the Man of Steel in the 1951 Live Action pilot movie alongside Phyliss Coates as Lois Lane. George Reeves would go on to portray the character in the 1950's series "The Adventures of Superman" with Noel Neil as Lois Lane. George Reeves would continue this role in a cameo in an episode of "I Love Lucy" which funny enough we got the first ever Supergirl of sorts since Lucielle Ball is wearing a Superman outfit. He portrayed the character until his death in 1958, this would include Stamp Day and several cereal commercials. In 1958 Billy Curtis would portray Superpup, a dog version of the Man of Steel. Only a pilot was made... Johnny Rockwell will be the first ever to portray the boy version of Superman, Superboy in a unaired pilot in 1961. The pilot was never picked up, but has been found on VHS tapes, bootlegs and on the internet. Decent episode, but the series was meant to be a prequel to the George Reeves series, therefore his portrayel is that of a younger Clark Kent/Superman. In 1966 while, Bud Collyer was giving us another great animated version of The Man of Steel, Bob Holiday was taking over as the voice of Radio Superman. In the meantime Bob Hastings, who would go on to play the voice of Commisioner Gordan in the DCAU portrayed the voice of Superboy, alongside Bud Collyer's Superman. A musical entitled "It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman" was created and featured music by Lee Adams and Charlie Strouse, with Bob Holiday and Jack Cassidy in the roles. In 1969/1971 two animated shorts were created by Sesame Street featuring Lennie Weinrib. Between 1973-1985, Danny Dark would portray the voice of Superman in 6 Hanna Barbarra related cartoons. In 1975 David Wilson would portray the Man of Steel in the Televised Musical version of "It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman" 1978, would mark the year that we get this generations and possibly the best ever Clark Kent/Superman. Christopher Reeve would go on to portray The Man of Steel in 1980/1983 and 1987 and would guest star in 2 Smallville episodes. Margot Kidder portrayed Lois Lane in these films. Jeff East would be seen portraying Young Clark Kent in the Smallville part of the first film. Christopher Reeve's picture is seen in the Helen Slater film Supergirl, he was meant to appear in the film, but fell out at the last minute. In 1988 Beau Weaver would go on to portray Superman in the animated series, while John Haymes Newton portrayed Superboy in the first season of the live action series. Gerard Christopher would than pick up the reigns in the 2nd Season of Superboy until the cancellation in 1992. In 1992, Warner Brothers Television cancelled Superboy, because they wanted to create a new series. Dean Cain would be the first to portray a live action TV Version of the Man of Steel since 1958, in The New Adventures of Superman. With Teri Hatcher as Lois Lane from 1993-1997. Dean Cain would also be another of the Superman related actors to guest star on Smallville, but as a villain. From 1996-2000 Bruce Timm gave us Superman: The Animated Series, featuring Tim Daly as the voice of Superman/Clark Kent, with Dana Delany as the voice of Lois Lane and James Marsden as Young Clark Kent. He also plays the voice of Superman in the Superman: Brainiac Attacks DVD movie. Christopher McDonald who portrays Jor-El in the DCAU, would portray the voice of Older Superman in the Batman Beyond episode "The Call" In 2000, when Superman: The Animated Series ended and Bruce Timm wanted to bring us Justice League, due to scheduling coflicts with Tim Daly, George Newbern would pick up the reigns as the voice of Superman/Clark Kent, he would continue into Justice League: Unlimited and The Batman in 2006 In 2001, Tom Welling started portraying Young Clark Kent in Smallville, due to rights issues, he is never called Superboy and never seen wearing the famous cape and glasses. At this time, he is still portraying this role as it is close to its 8th Season and is now the longest running Superman related TV Show. In 2004, Patrick Warburton played in several American Express commericial alongside Jerry Seinfeld. These commercials featured an appearance by Noel Neil. In 2005 Michael Daingerfield played the voice of Superman in Krypto: The Superdog in a few episodes. In 2006 Brandon Routh, would be the first to portray The Man of Steel in a live action movie since Superman IV: The Quest For Peace in Bryan Singer's Superman Returns. Stephan Bender got the job of portraying a young Clark Clark in Superman Returns Yuri Lowenthal would portray the voice of Young Clark Kent/Superman in Legion of Super-Heroes, a role he is currently portraing still. In 2007, Bruce Timm decided to continue his role in DC Animation, but take them out of continuity with his famous DCAU world. In his first attempt he casted Adam Baldwin as the voice of Superman in Superman: Doomsday. In 2008, we will get another Bruce Timm project called Justice League: The New Frontier, featuring Kyle MacLachlan as the voice of The Man of Steel. So now that you know the contestants, here are my top 5. Christopher Reeve is undoubtably the best, so this list will consist of the top 5 after best, behind him. With a sequel to Superman Returns coming soon and the possibility that Brandon Routh may not return, we may get another Man of Steel to add to the top 5. 5.Gerard Christopher 4. Dean Cain 3. Tim Daly(voice) 2. George Reeves 1. Tom Welling THE BEST. Bud Collyer(voice) .....Coming Soon...Lex Luthor actors
  2. I'm glad this film isn't being made. Believe me everyone, I want this film to happen, but we have to be realistic about this. This is a big film, it's not a run of the mill action movie. First you have to introduce each character in their own "Origin" film, than you have to map out a storyline and villain(s) that would cause all these heroes to have to come together. I'd say they should adapt one of the graphic JL novels, after establishing each character in their own film. Since this film won't be in continuity with Batman Begins or Superman Returns, they don't have to really get into that, we can the origin from each series and leave it at that. The rest, not everyone will know about. So while I can't wait for this film to happen, we have to be smart about it. Look at what happened last time we tried to get a live action JL, without origin stories. We got Justice League of America TV Pilot which has never aired in the US, because of how much it sucked.
  3. If they do adapt the fourth movie, I wonder how they will do without the girlfriend being dead since the 2nd film. In the novels she's alive in the fourth book.
  4. Hey guys, wow, for once I'm not the first to comment, lol. The truth is, my internet, phone and cable was all turned off and I had to wait until today to get it all turned back on, so WFP, didn't download with no internet connection. Anyway, I'm back and here to do what I do best, critique, the already critiqued. Mail: The explanation on The Joker's appearance, makes great sense. The flashback in Return of the Joker had to take place after everything, because what happened there caused a riff between Batman and Batgirl, to the point where he was alone again. LOL, I HATE LANA LANG IN SMALLVILLE...YES FOUND MORE. OMG, she is so annoying the first first and maybe second season, she was decent, but as she seemed to get more screentime, she got worse. WHAT! Erica Durance, eww. Well she is better than Kate Bowsworth as Lois, but not by much. I really hope she does die and we find out that Chloe is in fact the Lois Lane of the Superman era, because I feel Chloe and Clark really should get together, another reason I hate Kristen Kreuk, Alisson Mack is so much hotter than Kristen, I feel like slapping Tom Welling for not choosing her. Fun and Games; the first episode after the pilot movie, features some great animation and the continued great voice acting. Bud Cort, fills the role of Toyman to a capital T, very eery character. I am still at a crossroads of what is creepier this Toyman or the Tim Burton-look-a-like Toyman in Superman: Doomsday , but if I had to make a choice right now, this would be the Toyman of choice. I wonder if Bruce Timm really thought about the kids who will be watching this, grant it, while I was growing up, not much scared me, but I see this as nightmare material for anyone younger than 8 years of age. Bruce Weitz definately has the sound of a cliched Gangster type, it's great how in this series, you start out as a mediocre character, but you eventually go on to be a great part of the series, Bruno Manheim is a great example. Can't wait to get deeper in the series with this character. The giant duck was a homage to Batman Returns Bruce Timm and Paul Dini have been known to do homages to the Tm Burton films. 6 out of 10. A Little Piece Of Home; okay this episode features the debut of Kryptonite. Up until this point, Superman figures himself pretty much invulnerable, so when he runs into this weakness its definately a new feeling for him. However, I wasn't too convinced at Lex Luthor's carelessness. Luthor is a very smart man and normally he would have calculated more on Superman to really spring the surprise on him with the Kryptonite, not to mention, he uses the whole chunk in one shot, which is even dumber. Definately not the best Luthor episode. However, it does put Superman in his place, for a oment in the beginning we do see how cocky Superman has become, because of his invulnerability. The animation is still bright, not gritty like the Batman world. Is the dinosaur seen in the Luthor museum supposed to be the same one that is seen in the Batcave? I do agree that Clancy Brown is on my top choices as Lex Luthor, with Gene Hackman, Kevin Spacey, Michael Rosembaum and John Shea behind him. Lol and yes, the discussion is over "Teen Titans" is DCAU. I would have to give this 5 out of 10. Feeding Time; introduces us to Parasite, he's the type of character in this series that you are confused about at times. You don't know whether to like him or hate him. In the beginning, he's this sympathetic dutz(like Sid "The Squid" from B: TAS), than when he discovers his power and how it effects Superman, he goes into the realm of non-sympathy. Parasites transformation stays in the vein of Adolescent Cartoon animation, it's creepy and very NOT kid friendly to watch. Whenever I watch this episode, I always have a good time watching it, it's a great time passer. I am glad they didn't make this a two-parter. Brion James does the voice of Parasite and is decent. Parasite finding out Superman's identity is a sudden shocker, but you have to remember that when he loses his charge, he forgets the info he got from the drain. 5 out of 10 The Way of All Flesh; WOW, great episode. Every Metallo episode, good or bad is made better by Malcolm McDowell's voice acting. This definately could have been made into a two-parter. It shows the ruthlessness of Lex Luthor and you feel for Metallo, at least for a minute. Malcolm McDowell has cemented himself in my opinion as the BEST person to have portrayed Metallo, live action or animation(Michael Callan played Roger Corban's Metallo in Superboy, Scott Valentine played John Corbin's Metallo in Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ) This episode was another to set up the future for this show. 8 out of 10. Stolen Memories; great episode, nothing more to really say, but of course I will. Corey Burton returns in a role made so popular it transferred over into "The Batman, " Brainiac. Here we get what will become a continuing storyline in the DCAU. I can't wait until we get to his team-ups/betrayels of Bruce Wayne, Darkseid and Lex Luthor. The animation is stellar, the voice acting is good, overall great episode. The one thing I have a gripe with is that Superman seems to allow all those worlds of knowledge aboard Bainiacs ship to go up in flames, just to save himself and his world's knowledge. Doesn't seem to be very Superman like. 8 out of 10.
  5. Lol, what they should do is upgrade the game for the Wii and allow you to kill the dog. I remember getting pissed, because The Dog would be the one thing to tease me for missing and I couldn't kill him.
  6. Here is what Robert England has to say on the remake being Produced by Michael Bay and Platinum Dunes. Apparently he is looking forward to it, gives its full support and would like to return in a cameo, but understands the need for a new face.
  7. Thanks this was a great site to discover, this guy is crazier than me...
  8. I do know that they have plans on a Scorpion King 2, The Rock isn't in it, because its supposed to be set when he is a child. I heard they already had someone casted for the part of the Young Scorpion King. Than the 3rd Scorpion King would show the fall, with The Rock back.
  9. Well after discovering the Wikipedia site devoted to the DCAU series; I thought to myself, "Well there has to be a series that are devoted to by Wiki. " Here are some of them: (A Wiki site devoted to all things Super Mario) (Devoted to the world of Hercules and Xena) (Devoted to the Mortal Kombat Franchise) (Devoted to the World of Buffy and Angel) (Devoted to the world of Indiana Jones) (Devoted to the world of Star Wars) (Devoted to the world of Sonic The Hedgehog) (Cevoted to the world of Superman; this includes the DCAU) (Devoted to the world of Batman; this includes the DCAU) (Devoted to the world of Streetfighter) (Devoted to the world of Tekken) (Devoted to everything made by View Askew the people who bought us Jay and Silent Bob) (Devoted to all the Trekkies out there)
  10. Ok well, as long as it has been that this film has been out in theaters I suppose most people reading this saw the film and have their own opinion on it already and I'll probably have a few who disagree and may have a lot of good points to disagree, but I enjoyed this film more than I thought I would. I mean when I went to see Rocky Balboa I had a lot of faith in the film already, and actually got annoyed whenever someone would make a joke about it, but was thrilled as hell when the film came out because it turned out to be one of the best sequels in the series. Well, Sylvester Stallone seems to have been born again when it comes to his writing and characters, he isn't hitting too many strikes lately. His last few movies before Rocky VI, were literal bombs, so what can a man do in ties like that, but bring back gyarenteed winners. Well instead of just bringing this character back, he actually took the character and made him interesting again. This film may not be considered the best sequel in the series(that honor goes to First Blood II), but it ends the series on a high note that Rambo III sadly didn't seem to do. The action sequences are fast paced, leaving you on the edge of your seat. At times we get some seriously shocking, making it feel like we're watching a documentary unfold(thos who saw it will know what I'm talking about, WOW). When Rambo begins to really get involved in the action, man does he show you why he's been isolated from everyone. No matter how old this man is, he still has the strength, brains and resilance of his First Blood self. I like how Stallone incorporated the alternate ending to First Blood in this film, something that hasn't really been done before(a similar thing happened with T2, but without the alternate ending of part 1 being seen). The strength of the character of Rocky is that he is everyman's man, with all the world swinging at him and you feel bad for him and cheer him on when he begins to fight back. This is somewhat the same with the character of Rambo, he's a broken man, someone who has seen and possibly even committed some of the worse acts a human being can do, but he has a heart. This is where you feel bad that he still hasn't found peace within himself. Stallone knows how to write action, but only with characters who have drama.
  11. Here's the link to the official site for the film. I hope all the videos available on here appear on the DVD release, but if they release another box set, with new special features not on the current box set and the eventual release of this film I will be upset.
  12. Yeah, I actually provided it on an email and on another forum. I also found wiki for Buffy and Angel, Hercules/Xena, Super Mario Brothers, Donkey Kong, all these are indivisual wiki's.
  13. I see your point but you have to realize that this is the most fictionalized show about medicine EVER. A doctor-regardless of pedigree or renown-who acts in such a way would have their license stripped. Period. Not to mention the fact that his addiction being known in the hospital makes everybody who employs him and works under him as legally liable as him. "Do no harm" is part of the Hippocratic Oath. Now, the addiction thing is something I could completely agree with you on. Any doctor, no matter how smart they are would not be allowed to head an entire team of doctors. But they have touched on the subject when that poilce officer or detective decided to look into his addiction.
  14. There is one episode , where Lois and Clark go to the past and meet Martha and Jonathan Kent on the day they found Clark in the spaceship. In this episode the same two actors who portray Martha and Jonathan portray younger versions of themselves, but the make up they used, made them appear like they were in there late 30's early 40's, not much younger than their regular aged selves. It was actually Lois & H.G. Wells that went back in time. Love that H.G. Wells randomly shows up. Yeah, but remember Clark was there too. This was before Lois found out about Clark being Superman and when they went to the Kent farm, Jonathan kind of looked at Clark weird when Clark hugged Martha(not knowing he is his future son he was probably thinking he was hitting on her or something). I believe it was a 2nd Season episode.
  15. House is the one of the best shows on tv. Now we can talk about Lost if you want to talk shit shows. At least each episode of Lost is somewhat different. What follows is the plot of every episode of House: -person falls deathly ill for unknown reason -treated for most obvious diagnosis: patient reacts badly -House can't be bothered to stop playing guitar/popping pills/sticking his nose in relationships/being an asshole/bouncing a rubber ball against a wall to try and figure anything out. -Patient almost dies because of House not being involved. -House orders a round of tests and sends two understudies to patient's home to check for mold and shit -Patient seemingly gets better then dips to near death again. -Team looks at symptoms in a new way and tries mre shit that doesn't work -House forces patient to admit they are lying by trying to kill them. -Turns out it's a brain tumor (80% of the time) If House is one of the best shows on TV then television is even more creatively bankrupt than I thought. You got a point, but it's the drama on how they get themselves out of the situation and the character of House. Also if you've ever been in and out of hospitals(like I have), than it's pretty cool at times to know what they're talking about.
  16. Ok what is it with so many high profile celebs dying. Within the last couple of days 3 people have died ans this all started when Heath Ledger died. Did he start a domino effect. RIP to all of them
  17. There is one episode , where Lois and Clark go to the past and meet Martha and Jonathan Kent on the day they found Clark in the spaceship. In this episode the same two actors who portray Martha and Jonathan portray younger versions of themselves, but the make up they used, made them appear like they were in there late 30's early 40's, not much younger than their regular aged selves.
  18. I updated it while you were posting. I didn't realize Bionic Woman was canceled. While I wasn't a huge fan, I thought it had a following. I have been reading all over that it has been cancelled, but other interviews with NBC states that they still have an obligation to finish up to 13 episodes, but the show hasn't been cancelled. I'm confused, because while the show wasn't all that good, it is the first season and every show needs to be given a chance. For instance, I enjoyed Tru Calling and Birds of Prey and saw potential in the series to be even better, but it wasn't given a chance and cancelled. Aquaman wasn't even given a chance to air on TV.
  19. You should hear the reviews on the main podcasts, #39 & #72. I seem to remember #72 winning some kind of award.... :happy: That's funny, we had alot of the same opinion. In episode #72; they mention Toristas, that was TERRIBLE!!!!!OMG, the film it was made on should be burned and never shown to any person ever. Ed Wood films are better.
  20. I enjoyed Superman Returns, it wasn't a bad film. But what they did wrong was establish it as canon to Superman I and II. All they really could have used was the John Williams theme and the Marlon Brando dialogue. It should have been a seperate series from the Christopher Reeve films. Kates Bosworth's performance wasn't what it could have been, she seems to have taken what Dana Delany and Teri Hatcher did with the role and mix it with the attitude of a mother. Kevin Spacey was fun and probably one of the best things about the film. Throughout the film I didn't think one time about Gene Hackman, Clancy Brown or John Shea's portrayels of the character. Brandon Routh was okay, for a man who had the weight of Christopher Reeve's performance on him, he could have done worse. The rest of the acting was decent and helped the film pace well. Also I wasn't a big fan of the last 30 minutes of the film, when the continent of Kryptonite is made that's when the film kind of lagged for me. The last problem with the film is that since it was written by die hard fans of the first 2 films and there are an overabudants of references(like lines and similar-type characters)to those two films. But since this reply has become more of a review here's my score. 6 out of 10
  21. OMG, it was the combined talents of Kevin Smith and Bruce Timm. Great animation, makes me remember the Clerks Cartoon. Can't wat for the Animated Clerks movie.
  22. Wow, thanks guys. Definately know what to expect.
  23. True, now while there were a few problems with the original MK film, it was still pulled off well and had a killer Techno soundtrack. The only thing Street Fighter had going for it was Raul Julia and sadly that was his last movie.