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This is a call:

I'm putting on a big video game tournament here in Winnipeg next year and I want to start promoting it early and often. What I need is a logo. I suck and design work, so I'm putting the call out to you guys and gals.


-The name of the convention, "Decathlon of Gaming"

-The short form "DoG" may be used.

-The slogan "10 Events, 2 Days, 1 Champion"

-Must be legible when shrunk down.

-Can be in colour, but must still look good in B&W.

If anybody wants to take up the challenge, it would be much appreciated.

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I'm a sophomore, but I'm a junior in terms of credits, and with any luck, I'll be out in four years.

But really, it's not that surprising that it's taking people more than the traditional four years to graduate, in my opinion.

I'm in my seventh year of college (so many wasted classes, so much wasted time and money.....ugh) , but thankfully, I should graduate in December 2010. Talk about a great present to myself for my 28th birthday.

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Funny stuff on the latest Van Sciver interview on Wordballoon postulating that if the Marvel and DC characters of the Golden Age existed together the Marvel Guys wouldn't exist with Superman flying around.

"Sir, don't you know it's dangerous to wander around nuclear test sites."

"That was close, son. Remember radiation is dangerous. Stay in school."

"Mr. Richards, don't you know it's dangerous out here. And you brought your woman?"

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Well so far I have tried college education for four years:

Two years in acting.

One in media and all it's topics.

One in journalism.

And am basically nowhere nearer to a career I want to do then when I started.

But I guess in the end it will either make sense and callback and everything I have ever done will be building to the ultimate payoff, or it will go out with a whimper, no one really knows until the final part of the story is down and in the books.

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Suave, have you ever had the option of just going somewhere, taking all sorts of different classes, and just seeing what appeals to you?

Most of the people who come to my uni don't have a clue going in what their major is going to be, and they take all sorts of different classes for the first year or two, and figure out sometime around junior year what they want to do.

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Most of the courses I can take are in specialist subjects, but hopefuly I can look into branching out and trying things I've never done before.

What I've learned is I am not an actor and I cannot stand the moral ambiguity I would need to live with to be a journalist.

I mean, I cannot turn on people just to further my own career, it's just not who I am, I do not like screwing people over.

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Dude, as someone who has switched majors three times and spent over 7 years in college, my #1 piece of advice is just pick something and stick with it. I've been an English major for two years and I've never been happier (higher-educationally speaking). I wasted a lot of time and money, but at least I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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RE: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b250/Red...20/students.png

Decades from now, with school a distant memory, you'll still be having this dream

This is true. A few times a year, I have a dream about being about to fail a class I haven't attended all semester. I graduated from college 11 years ago.

Ironically, I've had this dream several times over the last week.

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I pulled over at a gas station last night to talk on my cell phone because I lose service right down the road until I reach my house. Some guy I've never met before in a suv pulled up next to me and started staring at me. He then drove around the pumps to pull up behind me so I said "goodbye I think some dude wants buttsex so I gotta get the fuck out of here" to my friend joking and hauled ass out of there.

The suv stayed right on my bumper and started flashing his brights at me like a strobe. He follows me when I make my turn and at the end of the road he pulls ahead of me and stops at the stop sign in the other lane so I have to pull up next to him. I blow the stop sign and turn which apparently pissed him off because he then pulled ahead of me again and cuts me off. He missed me by a few inches at the most. By this time I'm almost at my turn and he has pulled ahead so I'm hoping he goes past it, but when I come up on it he's parked sideways blocking the road where I need to turn to get into my subdivision. I pull around him and by this time figure he's going to follow me home and was going to be a gun pointed at him if hedid because I made a call before I lost service.

Luckily He stopped there for whatever reason. My question is what the fuck do you do in this situation? Keep in mind this took about 15 minutes, and I had no cell service, and I'm pretty far away from any towns.

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"This is not the Wolverine you know.

Logan is a teenage rebel with a real good reason for having a real bad attitude. Ever since being left in a nearby forest—with no memory of who he was or how he got there—Logan (or Wolverine, as his classmates sometimes call him) has been stuck in a martial arts school in the icy wilds of Canada. No wonder he's bored, restless, yearning. There's a whole world out there, and Logan can almost taste it. But he's chained to a past he can't remember and can't escape. Now it just may destroy his future."



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I pulled over at a gas station last night to talk on my cell phone because I lose service right down the road until I reach my house. Some guy I've never met before in a suv pulled up next to me and started staring at me. He then drove around the pumps to pull up behind me so I said "goodbye I think some dude wants buttsex so I gotta get the fuck out of here" to my friend joking and hauled ass out of there.

The suv stayed right on my bumper and started flashing his brights at me like a strobe. He follows me when I make my turn and at the end of the road he pulls ahead of me and stops at the stop sign in the other lane so I have to pull up next to him. I blow the stop sign and turn which apparently pissed him off because he then pulled ahead of me again and cuts me off. He missed me by a few inches at the most. By this time I'm almost at my turn and he has pulled ahead so I'm hoping he goes past it, but when I come up on it he's parked sideways blocking the road where I need to turn to get into my subdivision. I pull around him and by this time figure he's going to follow me home and was going to be a gun pointed at him if hedid because I made a call before I lost service.

Luckily He stopped there for whatever reason. My question is what the fuck do you do in this situation? Keep in mind this took about 15 minutes, and I had no cell service, and I'm pretty far away from any towns.

Jesus! It's a good thing you didn't have a killer in your back seat and this guy was there to warn you.

You did good. Get the fuck out of there and no one will begrudge you if you have to ram his bumper to do so. Speed to a wildly populated area and get help.

I always have a Club in my car and since I no longer live in the car theft capital of Canada, I only have it in case of situations like this. I've only been in one and it was partially my fault but he took off when I swung a large red piece of metal at him.

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A guy in a Land Rover chased me a few years back after almost ramming into me at an intersection. This was a night, driving through the roads in the park section of bristol so there are no streetlights or anything, so I just had angry headlights behind me. I pulled in, he pulled in behind, and then I pulled away as he was getting out. I then took advantage of the smaller turning circle of my car to double back past him and head for the nearest populated and well-lit area. It wasn't even my fault, he came right out at me when I had right of way, missing me by inches.

Some peoples are messed up.

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Guest DCAUFan1051

Yesterday I found out that you could buy Skype prepaid cards for the skype credit that allows you to call landlines from skype. Well I call Wal-Fart and ask about this I get transferred to someone who tells me that the question I'm asking is for the customer service people. This after being on hold for almost 20 minutes. I said the hell with it went up there and the customer service people told me to look in electronics. Long story short I found the card I was looking for, but I thought it was a gift card type of thing and thought that a majority of the employees would know where they'd be. Half the people I talked to asked me "what's that" Just goes to prove that wal-mart sucks and even though they say they train their employes in all departments they're obviously not. Now that I think about it most likely a waste of $10 seeing as the person I'm trying to interview hasn't emailed me back yet.

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Today was my parents' 25th anniversary so I had a meal with my folks, my sister (up from Brighton) and my brother (up from Northampton). This evening, as my Dad is something of a Gilbert & Sullivan afficionado, we went to see him perform in the chorus of The Mikado. It was quite a good production (if it's not Mikado or Pirates of Penzance, I'm pretty apathetic about G&S) but seeing your dad dress up as a Japanese man whilst singing light operetta in make-up is always a novelty.

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