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Season 4 watching update:

So I watched "Run," "Transference," "Jinx," and "Spell."

The butchering of the Flash mythology is rather disheartening.

I could barely stand to watch Lionel-as-Clark emotionally devastate Chloe like that. Actually, I couldn't stand it at all. I just stopped watching the episode and read the summary off the Smallville wiki. If this kind of "find new ways to make Clark look evil" crap keeps going, I'm gonna kill something.

Mxyzptlk made for a neat episode, but I don't get why they felt the need to make it Mxyzptlk, since it's basically a different character. Also, the mispronounced his name.

I find it hilarious how incredibly well Lana works as a witch. She's just brimming with EEEEEVILLLLLL. Kristin Kreuk seems like she was born to play the role.

Right, just read your updates so far sir.

Mxyzptlk is fucking stupid and shite and really was just one of the list of "Smallville-fied" DC characters.

I expect more updates, especially when you get to my favourite moment in Smallville history:

Clark being possesed by a girl saying "The crowns mine bitch"

That part was either in season 3 or 4. Let me know when you get to it.

Also, Brainiac, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on him!

Oh, and the cock teasing of Clark being a hero, who can forget that...

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Right, just read your updates so far sir.

Mxyzptlk is fucking stupid and shite and really was just one of the list of "Smallville-fied" DC characters.

I expect more updates, especially when you get to my favourite moment in Smallville history:

Clark being possesed by a girl saying "The crowns mine bitch"

That part was either in season 3 or 4. Let me know when you get to it.

Also, Brainiac, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on him!

Oh, and the cock teasing of Clark being a hero, who can forget that...

W00T! I have a follower.

4x09 "Bound"

Evil murder mystery, with no krytonite! Yay!

But I don't get the mystery. I mean, how exactly did that one girl find another girl that looks exactly like her? Oh well. It was a decent episode.

4x10 "Scare"

It was a little like "Hourglass" in that it showed the (possible) futures of the characters. Not as good as Hourglass, of course, but hey, that

meteor strike dream Clark had

was AWESOME!!!

Overall, pretty good.

4x11 "Unsafe"

Return of evil psycho hot girlfriend! Yay! ^-^

See, now here's the thing: I don't actually have a problem with this episode. Not really. But, when taken in context with the overall Superman story, it's horrible. (technically that should be representative of Smallville as a whole, but this one feels different) So I really don't know what to say about this one.

4x12 "Pariah"

I actually really like this one. A lot. Except for the stereotypical "sinners must be punished" villain. Even worse is that he's a teenager. Generally, teenagers in the midwest don't adopt their parents' psychotic overbearing philosophies. (I say this as someone who was raised as a teenager in the midwest) So it just seems like an easy story write-up that actually kind of offends me in a small way. But hey, apparently kryptonite infections cause insanity in humans, so maybe I shouldn't be complaining.

4x13 "Recruit"

Lois does an amazing impression of Marion Ravenwood. But, more importantly...


I still can't get over that.

4x14 "Krypto"

This was like Smallville's tribute to every "heroic dog" TV show and film. It was kind of nice, in a weird way. Also, Lois and Clark's relationship is really great to watch, so this episode gets a thumbs-up from me.

4x15 "Sacred"

Kristin Kreuk travels back in time from her future role as Chun Li to beat on Clark for a few minutes this episode. Um... no, please?

It was like "Kryptonite Indiana Jones" this episode. And while it was fun, it also kinda... irked me in a weird way. I'm glad the plot moved forward a bit, though. I was starting to wonder about the stones.

4x16 "Lucy"

Now, here's the thing. I am not a pig. Honestly. I like to think that in a room full of average guys, I'd be the "Clark" out of all of them. But all I could think of during this episode was "Dammit, Lucy Lane is ridiculously hot! >_<"

It's nice to get some family background on Lois, though. And *gasp!* instead of a Clark/Lana moment to end out the episode, we get a Clark/Lois moment! With GOOD dialogue! YAY!!

I liked this one. Granted, I can only really remember Lucy Lane's image, but still!

4x17 "Onyx"

Okay, so apparently if Black Kryptonite explodes, it can affect humans as well? Okay, I guess...

So Evil Lex in Smallville is like normal Lex in the comics. I kind of wish that they had just killed Good Lex and left only Evil Lex alive. :D

4x18 "Spirit"

"The crown's mine, bitch!"

'Nuff said.

I kinda liked this one. Had a really strong Buffy-vibe. Which, in a weird way, kind of makes the sheer implausibility and ridiculousness of the whole situation kind of okay. But I NEVER WANT TO SEE MARTHA KENT DANCING TO ASHLEE SIMPSON AGAIN!!!! >_<

4x19 "Blank"

I liked this one. A lot. Also, it had a meteor freak that wasn't completely evil! Wow! A semi-realistic character!

And I really like the fact that Chloe treats Clark in a loving and understanding manner now. It's nice to see them interact.

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4x13 "Recruit"

Lois does an amazing impression of Marion Ravenwood. But, more importantly...


I still can't get over that.


I got rid of my smallville DVD's so your going to have to explain.

4x18 "Spirit"

"The crown's mine, bitch!"

'Nuff said.

I kinda liked this one. Had a really strong Buffy-vibe. Which, in a weird way, kind of makes the sheer implausibility and ridiculousness of the whole situation kind of okay. But I NEVER WANT TO SEE MARTHA KENT DANCING TO ASHLEE SIMPSON AGAIN!!!! >_<

That episode was the best of season 4, hell, that line nearly made up for season 4.....ok, that's a lie.

I'd swear theirs a lot more "Native American" and witch shit in this season somewhere, or have you covered it?

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I got rid of my smallville DVD's so your going to have to explain.

The villain of the week is a blonde surfer dude-looking quarterback named Geoff Johns. In one scene, they say his full name three times for no good reason.

I'd swear theirs a lot more "Native American" and witch shit in this season somewhere, or have you covered it?

There's not as much with the cave as in Seasons 2 and 3, but they do have the recurring quest to find the three Kryptonian element stones. The witch thing has only really shown up in 2-3 episodes thus far, though the Luthors and Teagues talk about it all the time.

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Season 4 done! Wooo!!! :D

4x20 "Ageless"

This same plot was done on Star Trek: TNG. Oh well. At least there's an episode where Lana's actually a decent person for once.

4x21 "Forever"

I understand "suspension of disbelief," but this takes it way too far. Some teenager convinces his dad to build an exact replica of Smallville High? No. That's just too out there. No.

4x22 "Commencement"

It's nice to see the "end" of the Smallville high school days, but I think that it's a bit too late. The show's lost that sense of family and comfort that it had in the first season or two, and the ceremony falls flat.

The meteor shower, though... That was awesome. GREAT visual effects, and plenty of drama. Lex is finally going crazy insane, and it's really cool. And, finally, we get an obvious hint at the Fortress of Solitude!

Overall, I can't say that I hated the season. I just think that nothing in it really mattered. In the end, Lionel got out of prison, Lois was introduced, Clark got the three Krypto-stones together (someone in the writers' room spent way too much time playing Zelda), Chloe found out the secret, and a second meteor shower came (with a giant diamond-shaped ship). As far as I can figure, all of that could have been done in only a few episodes. Why the need to stretch it out?

I'm not sorry that I watched Season 4, but I definitely won't be going back and watching it through again.

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Letdown is not a strong enough word. They finally did something right last season and then of course they fucked it up at the end.

Again, it's Smallville, the fact that you left yourself open not to be fucked over is not their fault.

They built up the fight between Clark and Doomsday all season long.

Clark was prepared to die because he thought that was his destiny. The fight lasted 15 seconds, and Doomsday only got in one punch.

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Letdown is not a strong enough word. They finally did something right last season and then of course they fucked it up at the end.

Again, it's Smallville, the fact that you left yourself open not to be fucked over is not their fault.

They built up the fight between Clark and Doomsday all season long.

Clark was prepared to die because he thought that was his destiny. The fight lasted 15 seconds, and Doomsday only got in one punch.

But even for Smallville that was a big fuck you to the fan(s)

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Smallville has gone through several changes, some good, some bad.

The problem first off is the show has been on for so long, its hard for the writers to continue telling the tales of Superman as a teenager, especially now that he is grown man, without putting on the suit.

Fans are partly to blame for some of the up against the wall writing that has occurred. Fans were clamoring for some new familiar faces and we got Lois Lane and Perry White. While Perry White being put in the show the episode didn't hurt the credibility of the show, it asked the same question that is asked with Lois being bought in the series. If these people met Clark as a child with no glasses and experienced weird things with him around, than how are they fooled by a pair of glasses when he does become Superman? They know what Clark looks like without glasses. Writing

Also Lana is an interesting character, but they wrote her as a wining baby Kristen Kreuk has on occasion showed that she can act(like the last episode she was in was great), but the writers made her seem like a baby. Every conversation she had with ANYONE was the same and with a a whispering sounding voice. It got annoying. Chloe is a great character and Allison Mack has done a great job at playing her, but the writers have constantly been screwing with her. The Legion members state that she was never in the history books, which means she may have died, well the writers since Season have treated her as an expendable character and its quite annoying.

Writing Lex out was a decision made because of Rosenbaum wanting to do new things; that's finem so why are they writing it that he's missing, than thought dead? It's stupid, we know he's alive. Do they think we're stupid, Tess is a great anti-hero type villainous and the actress has a great way to play her, but she is bought in, in a bad way. Where did she come from? How does she know Lex? Why out of all the employees he has would he leave her in charge? These are questions never asked or addressed. I think the writers wanted to add that Ms Teschmacher/Mercy reference for the fans of the films and DCAU, they should have bough her in in the previous season and built her character more.

I hated what they eventually did with Green Arrow, he is a great character, who is very much like a cross between Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark, bt now its ridiculous.

The season with the stones was the worse, there are some choice episodes, but the overall story arc is shit, there's no point to it and really it got boring with Lana's ancestor being a witch. I'm surprised with them bringing in Vampires and Witches, they didn't bring in werewolves or mummies by now. Terrible choice have been made in that way. I liked Brainiac that was some great writing, although he is the DCAU version of Brainiac and not the original version from the comics, James Marsters played him well.

The Doomsday story was also a big problem. Here we have a character that killed Superman and the writers chose to bring him in now, before he is even at full strength. Not too mention the non Jimmy Jimmy Olsen. The whole lead up to the Doomsday/Clark fight was a big hype and we hardly got a fight. I do know why they did this, because Doomsday in the comics emerged from the Earth he was buried in. Well Clark's the reason he's there. They could have had that as a half season story arc to establish that connection, not do it like that.

The series for me is still fun to watch and in recent episodes the writing has seem to be getting better. Although, I'm not sure about having a young Zod and Kandorians coming to Earth is smart. Also we again have Clark not learning from his mistakes. Still its still good TV and helps fill up my Friday nights.

But for those who are expecting to be blown away, it has run its course, the only way they could get that back is to continue the series in a spin off called Metropolis and have him finally become Superman, not EMO Blur, what the hell is that?

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So I watched the first half of Season 5. Just for the heck of it, I'll start giving the episodes scores, from 1 to 5.

5x01 "Arrival"

Kinda cool. The Fortress was really nice to see, as was the phantom zone. Aside from that, however, the episode was a clusterfrak of random crap. Oh, but the Chloe/Clark friendship is really nice.


5x02 "Mortal"

Clark without his powers is actually really damn entertaining. Seeing him finally just say "I've had it with Lex" and start repeatedly punching him in the face was just awesome. Having Clark sleep with Lana was... ehh... it bothers me, for a plethora of reasons. But whatever; I can accept that this is a version of Superman that does that.


5x03 "Hidden"

So... Smallville has active nuclear missiles from the Cold War still active, and some kid was able to take control of them? Riiiiiight....

Clark getting shot was one of the most memorable things in the show thus far, though. Very nicely done. Still, though, Jor-El's "deals" are getting annoying. Why is Smallville's Jor-El semi-evil, exactly? Or, more accurately, why are we led to believe that he is?


5x04 "Aqua"

They should have titled this episode "Muscular Wet Guy." 'Cause that's about all it was. And an endless stream of water-related puns. (Get it? Stream? Ha! Ehhh...)


5x05 "Thirst"

Lesbian sorority girl vampires. People keep saying that it was one of the most "out-there" episodes of Smallville, but I don't get it. I'm pretty sure that all sorority girls are lesbian vampires.


5x06 "Exposed"

>_< The LAMEST excuse to get Lois in a bikini ever. This was just embarrassing to watch.


5x07 "Splinter"

I hate episodes that deal with the hero going insane (unless it's Batman, 'cause that just makes sense). Furthermore, this just makes the whole Smallville mythology complicated again, since people are suspicious of Clark again. Ugh.

Oh! And Professor Fine. I liked his character a lot until now. But before now, he was a professor with some genuinely insightful ideas about mankind. Now he's all like "humans are corrupt." =P


5x08 "Solitude"

Woo! More Fortress! :D

And Professor Fine kinda bites the dust, a little too early for it to make sense. Oh! And Chloe saves Clark. Awwwww..... (CLARK! MARRY HER NOW! FORGET LANA!)

And now Zod is responsible for Krypton's destruction? Ooooookay.....


5x09 "Lexmas"

Santa Claus has become disillusioned with the pessimistic state of mankind, gets drunk, and contemplates committing suicide. Clark meets him on a rooftop and re-ignites his Christmas spirit. That sounds terrible/cheesy, but I kinda liked it.

Meanwhile, Lex has a Scrooge-style dream, where he gets a glimpse of a possible future of happiness (sort of). He chooses the dark side anyway, 'cause that's just how he rolls.


5x10 "Fanatic"

A young girl stalks Lex, eventually leading to him being brutally attacked in his mansion. No, wait, that's the plot summary for Season 1's "Shimmer."


Oh, and how on Earth is Lois "I'm a moron" Lane qualified to be an election manager?


5x11 "Lockdown"

Lex and Lana get their comeuppance for keeping secrets and generally being hypocrites. Yesssssss.....

Still, though. Lex is a one-note character at this point, and Lana is... well, Lana. So this episode isn't all that great.


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Y'know, I think one of the big flaws with Smallville is that they set you up pretty much from the start wanting Clark to choose Chloe over Lana. And then when Lois comes in and Chloe starts getting pushed away, Lois feels shoehorned in rather than a natural romantic interest for Clark.

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Y'know, I think one of the big flaws with Smallville is that they set you up pretty much from the start wanting Clark to choose Chloe over Lana. And then when Lois comes in and Chloe starts getting pushed away, Lois feels shoehorned in rather than a natural romantic interest for Clark.


Though at least they're making the Lois/Clark relationship a priority now, just for the sake of the overall Superman storyline. (though that seems to be the only place they're doing that)

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