Every comic you've read in 2009


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Yeah, I'll go with that. Sinestro is fucking awesome. You know what? He's Ben on "Lost."

Yeah, if Ben had the most fearsome weapon in the universe strapped to his finger and an army of equally fearsome weapon-wielders behind him.

And wasn't massively annoying.

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Yeah, I'll go with that. Sinestro is fucking awesome. You know what? He's Ben on "Lost."

Yeah, if Ben had the most fearsome weapon in the universe strapped to his finger and an army of equally fearsome weapon-wielders behind him.

And wasn't massively annoying.

Or a punching bag...

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New Punisher #2 - Pretty much took everything I liked about last month and threw it back out the window in favor of another cookie cutter Punisher story. I get that every month can't be a slobberknocker, pitting two unlikely adversaries against one another with nothing to do as far as the plot is concerned beyond finding new and interesting ways to beat each other up. I also get that Frank's new partner is supposed to inject a dose of humanity to the mix, to give readers a familiar perspective and maybe return a sheen of cold, hard badass to Castle's veneer. That doesn't mean the end result needs to be as dry and redundant as this was. I was really looking forward to seeing how long the new series could continue its breakneck pace, and as it turns out that number was just about one month. This isn't bad, but it's so much of the same old stuff we're getting elsewhere twice a month that it also isn't necessary.


Also, two more contributions for IIWY: Buckaroo Banzai: Big Size #1 and Hero Squared: Love and Death #1

Comics: 29, TPB: 3

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I meant that he's like Ben in that he's got a great "I'm awesome" attitude and a nice, dry wit about how cool he is. I thought that was pretty clear. Thanks, though.

I know, we're pissing around. I get what you mean. he's that brilliant asshole who knows exactly what to say to get under your skin and a totally unbruised superego.

By chance did you get your forum name from Brubaker's greatest work?

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So I read Warren Ellis' run on Stormwatch last fall and I figure I check out his run on The Authority. I just finished Warren Ellis' and Bryan Hitch's run on the The Authority which is the first 12 issues or the first volume and half the second volume of the trades. It's really interesting to see early days of the widescreen comic book and Hitch's work before the Ultimates. The art is pretty with lots of details and explosions galore. The writing is the equivalent to a big movie summer blockbuster, heavy on action and light on creative plots and character development. To me, it just feels a too dumb, even when Ellis is trying to be smart by naming one of the villains (which is essentially an alien invasion) God, it just feels blah. The characters don't seem to move, yes the threats get bigger and bigger each arc and they come closer and closer to saving Earth as a whole, but overall the characters stay the same throughout it but honestly, it all moves way too fast and there's no quiet moments that it's so easy. As long as people's brains are being punched, you're all good. It's fun, but I've had funner times reading Ellis' work on Thunderbolts to be honest. 7/10

I'll try and read, Millar and Quietly's run but Millar is hit and miss and last time I read a book with Quietly, on New X-men, I thought his art was borderline hideous.


Comic books: 0

Trade paperbacks: 3 1/2

Daredevil by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson Volumes 1 and 2, The Authority Volumes 1 (Relentless) and 2 (Under New Management),

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The Walking Dead, volumes 1-4

The dialog is a little stiff in places and some of the characters aren't as developed as I'd like, but this series still rocks hard! Every time you think it's safe, Kirkman hits you over the head with a fresh batch of deaths.


Comic books: 7

Trade paperbacks: 16

Graphic novels: 0

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The Walking Dead, volumes 1-4

The dialog is a little stiff in places and some of the characters aren't as developed as I'd like, but this series still rocks hard! Every time you think it's safe, Kirkman hits you over the head with a fresh batch of deaths.


Comic books: 7

Trade paperbacks: 16

Graphic novels: 0

Is this your first time going through these? You might have said before, I can't remember.

Just read the most recent one. I'm so damn depressed after every issue now, I think I'd find an odd peace if all these people died. At least it would be over.

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Epicurus the Sage TPB - Old school Sam Kieth and William Messner-Loebs, repackaged and reprinted in '03 with an extra story and three pages of sketchbook material. I never really noticed how deeply the 1970s underground comix influences ran in Kieth's work before, which is odd because I've followed him somewhat religiously forever and they're plain as day here. Overall, he's had much better showings - both in the earlier stories, which were printed between '89 and '91, and the later tale which was created specifically for this TPB. He churns out a few gorgeous spreads but indulges his lazier side wayyy too often which gives the whole book a secondhand, unfocused flavor. The story is kind of rambling and really gets caught up in itself from time to time, but I guess that's to be expected when both lead characters and half of the supporting cast are Greek philosophers. When it gets away from informing readers of how wacked out most of these guys' theories really were and focuses on adventures through the era's mythology, it's great. Doesn't happen nearly as much as it should.


Edit: IIWY? this weekend, two books: The Mighty #1 and Eureka #1

Comics: 31, TPB: 4

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Bad Dog #1 - IIWY

I am Legion #1 - IIWY

Hack/Slash: First Cut - I had this idea about 5 years ago. I really wish I had copywritten it or something. Just a light, fun, messy book that's totally up my alley.


Comic Books: 34

TPBs: 1

HCs: 0

Graphic Novels: 0

Greatest Hits #4-5, Gravel #6-8, Crossed #2-3, Epilogue #3-4, City of Dust #3, Moon Knight #25, Incognito #1, Street Fighter II Turbo #3, Grimm Fairy Tales Annual 08, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #36, Doctor Who Classics #1, Doctor Who: The Forgotten #3-6, Scalped #24, The Goon #31, Ultimate Hulk Annual #1, Bomb Queen V #5, Mirror's Edge #3, Captain Britain and MI 13 #9, Titans #9, X-Men/Spider-man #3, Faces of Evil: Deathstroke, Street Fighter Legends: Chun Li, Astounding Wolf Man #12, Stephen King's The Stand: Captain Trips, Big Dog #1, I am Legion #1, Hack/Slash: First Cut

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The Mighty A #1-I love Peter Tomasi's work on GLC and most of his other stuff but I just couldn't get into this book. I liked that it tried for a new angle on the superhero but it kind of fell flat on its face and had some art that I had trouble following. A valiant effort but 4/10

Faces of Evil: Solomon Grundy Oneshot-I think this was the first of the oneshots to come out and to be honest, even though I love Geoff Johns and like Scott Kolins I really don't like the character and this oneshot did very little to dissuade that even though there were some great cameos and an ending that has me thinking that the upcoming Grundy miniseries will be a cool little tie-in to Blackest Night. I may still check it out. 6/10

Green Lantern Corps #33-THE. MOST. UNDERRATED. DC. BOOK. I love this book and since Sinestro is really busy in GL, it focuses on the struggle for power between Mongul and Arkillo. The knockdown dragout is next issue but I don't think anyone expects Arkillo to win when Sinestro vs Mongul is much more interesting to me. There was an interesting team-building exercise revolving around Rayner this issue that I felt worked quite well and the Arisia/Sodam Yat dynamic is about to explode when they head back to Daxam to find who's been squatting there. Hint, bye bye Arisia and Sodam Yat. For having four plotlines (Arisia/Sodam Yat, Rayner/Gardner, Mongul/Arkillo, and Saarek/Sapphire) it held together brilliantly all applying their own forms on conflict. It has me thinking that Kyle Rayner won't become a

Blue Lantern but a Star Sapphire instead.



Comic books: 27

Trade paperbacks: 1

Graphic novels: 0

Green Lantern #36, Final Crisis Secret Files, Final Crisis#6, Green Lantern Corps #32, Faces of Evil: Prometheus Oneshot, Black Lightning: Year One #1, Haunted Tank #2, No Hero #3, Shrapnel: Aristeia Rising #1, Spider-Man Fear Itself, Dark Delicacies #1, Faces of Evil: Deathstroke Oneshot, Green Lantern #37, Myspace Dark Horse Presents Vol. 1, Final Crisis #7, Final Crisis Revelations #5, Faces of Evil: Kobra Oneshot, 1st Issue Special #1, 1st Issue Special #5, 1st Issue Special #6, Amazing Spider-Man #584, Dark Avengers #1, Elephantmen #15, Hellblazer #251, War Machine #2, The Mighty A #1, Faces of Evil: Solomon Grundy Oneshot, Green Lantern Corps #33

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Jersey Gods #1-Image book with a cover by Allred that SCREAMS Kirby. Natch, i was a buy. The story was a skip. When it wasn't straining to be cute, it was cliched and dumb. The art is not my bag but I could see why others might like it. Yuck. 3/10

R.E.B.E.Ls #1-I was going to check this out to see if I would be trading it but I might just pick this up monthly. Exciting stuff from a premise I enjoyed in the 90s. Vril Dox is written perfectly and I like that he's on earth. I also like that they made Supergirl likeable. She's a character I've never given a shit about. The art is spectacular and really deserves a look. 8/10


Comic books: 29

Trade paperbacks: 1

Graphic novels: 0

Green Lantern #36, Final Crisis Secret Files, Final Crisis#6, Green Lantern Corps #32, Faces of Evil: Prometheus Oneshot, Black Lightning: Year One #1, Haunted Tank #2, No Hero #3, Shrapnel: Aristeia Rising #1, Spider-Man Fear Itself, Dark Delicacies #1, Faces of Evil: Deathstroke Oneshot, Green Lantern #37, Myspace Dark Horse Presents Vol. 1, Final Crisis #7, Final Crisis Revelations #5, Faces of Evil: Kobra Oneshot, 1st Issue Special #1, 1st Issue Special #5, 1st Issue Special #6, Amazing Spider-Man #584, Dark Avengers #1, Elephantmen #15, Hellblazer #251, War Machine #2, The Mighty A #1, Faces of Evil: Solomon Grundy Oneshot, Green Lantern Corps #33, Jersey Gods #1, R.E.B.E.Ls #1

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It just felt a bit weak to me.

I mean the last page of chapter 11 had the best line in the book for me.

It just felt like the book came to a complete stop after building up so much.

I respect your opinion, but you are completely wrong. :P It sets up the ultimate question: Who was right (or the least wrong)? I'm a Rorschach man, myself, but I see where Ozy, Manhattan and Owl/Spectre are coming from.

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I respect your opinion, but you are completely wrong. :P It sets up the ultimate question: Who was right (or the least wrong)? I'm a man, myself, but I see where Ozy, Manhattan and Owl/Spectre are coming from.

Well, your a poopy head!

Seriously though, I guess that would make a bit better and I was sad when

Rorschach was killed

I'm not against reading it again so maybe I will pick that up next time.

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Various issues of Robin, since it's ending soon.

It's amazing to see just how boring a writer Chuck Dixon is. DC gave him plenty of time to play about with Batman and pals, and his story arcs seem to go absolutely nowhere and involve minimal character development.

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Last night I finally read Punisher: man of stone and the widowmaker 2 pack I got months ago.

Man of stone was an ok middle story in a five part story to me.

Up is down and black is white, barracuda, man of stone the barracuda mini and long cold dark being the others that i counted.

it seemed like a set up series for later storys and felt like it too as I read those storys before this.

Though it was ok and is worth reading in borders if you have the time.

The widowmaker was shit.

It wasn't fun to read the story was dull and not interetsing and the art was the best part of it and I felt like I was forcing myself to read it.

Coming soon in my mini review: the dark knight returns! I'm on the final forty pages of THAT thing.

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The dark knight returns.

For the love of christ I hated this so much!

Frank Millers art was terrible and was not nice to look at and just gave me a headache to read, the story was shit and I didn't enjoy this and had to force myself to finish this.

I got it as a gift a year and a half ago and that is me just finishing it.

I know people say this is one of the best batman storys ever, but my god it does nothing for me and not since wanted have I felt that a graphic novel was so fucking awful I want to drop it in the trash and ask for my time back.

OK, now for the hate posts to come flying in.

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