Every comic you've read in 2009


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Started reading Warren Ellis' Gravel and became immediately hooked. Read every issue so far now (although I still need to get the four or five Strange Kisses miniseries that came out before this ongoing) and it's quickly joined The Boys as my two favourite ongoings in comics.

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Ultimate Spider-Man #131 - Wow, this was actually fantastic. Bendis has this weird way about writing tie-ins to major events that are twenty times more fascinating than his writing on major events themselves. This was entirely a reaction piece to the big tidal wave of Ultimatum, focusing on the common man's reaction around the fringes of the catastrophe, rather than the superheroes duking it out in the middle of the crater, and it was a hundred times more poignant than the muck that Loeb is crapping out in the primary series. If you've ever read a Spider-Man comic before, you owe it to yourself to read Jameson's monologue in the first quarter of this issue - it's something we've been waiting almost fifty years to see, and Bendis just plain nails it. Peter's interactions with the Hulk border on slapstick from time to time, but they never cross the line and it's so much fun to watch the two cautiously interact that I can overlook it. Great issue, undoubtedly the best of the crossover so far.


My New Fighting Technique is Unstoppable - I've had this for years, and worried that it wouldn't be nearly as funny the second time around. I was wrong. Basically just a compilation of David Rees web comix from years ago, before he went all political with "Get Your War On". If you love inane humor, a metric ton of profanity and homemade production values, this is your ticket to an hour of pure ecstasy. Wish it were longer, and some of the strips are pure filler, but when it's on there's nothing else like it. Fast reading, but god is it worth it.


Comics: 35, TPB: 5

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Ultimate Spider-Man #131 - Wow, this was actually fantastic. Bendis has this weird way about writing tie-ins to major events that are twenty times more fascinating than his writing on major events themselves. This was entirely a reaction piece to the big tidal wave of Ultimatum, focusing on the common man's reaction around the fringes of the catastrophe, rather than the superheroes duking it out in the middle of the crater, and it was a hundred times more poignant than the muck that Loeb is crapping out in the primary series. If you've ever read a Spider-Man comic before, you owe it to yourself to read Jameson's monologue in the first quarter of this issue - it's something we've been waiting almost fifty years to see, and Bendis just plain nails it. Peter's interactions with the Hulk border on slapstick from time to time, but they never cross the line and it's so much fun to watch the two cautiously interact that I can overlook it. Great issue, undoubtedly the best of the crossover so far.


Bendis has a style thats full of clever short comments and character interplay. This style is absolutely perfect for USM. When he's alone or fighting he's quipping just like Spidey should and when he's with his friends they are talking like high school kids.

What it wasn't perfect for was the latest issue of New Avengers. That team is packed with people I like but they are all so indistinguishable writing-wise that I just don't care anymore. The short sentance-response-sentance deal is so old now. "Its must be a trap" "A trap you say" "Yes a trap" "How do you know its a trap" WILL YOU GET ON WITH IT!!! Every page is a minefield of tiny speech bubbles with absolutely no meaning. I love Bendis for the most part but for the love of god I never want to read another New Avengers issue. Its crazy because its so much more toned down in Dark Avengers, so he can write a team book without irritating me, he just chooses not to.

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Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1-My kids love the show (almost as much as me) so I bought this yesterday. They lost interest halfway through and I don't blame them. It stunk. 3/10


Comic books: 43

Trade paperbacks: 1

Graphic novels: 0

Green Lantern #36, Final Crisis Secret Files, Final Crisis#6, Green Lantern Corps #32, Faces of Evil: Prometheus Oneshot, Black Lightning: Year One #1, Haunted Tank #2, No Hero #3, Shrapnel: Aristeia Rising #1, Spider-Man Fear Itself, Dark Delicacies #1, Faces of Evil: Deathstroke Oneshot, Green Lantern #37, Myspace Dark Horse Presents Vol. 1, Final Crisis #7, Final Crisis Revelations #5, Faces of Evil: Kobra Oneshot, 1st Issue Special #1, 1st Issue Special #5, 1st Issue Special #6, Amazing Spider-Man #584, Dark Avengers #1, Elephantmen #15, Hellblazer #251, War Machine #2, The Mighty A #1, Faces of Evil: Solomon Grundy Oneshot, Green Lantern Corps #33, Jersey Gods #1, R.E.B.E.Ls #1, Batman #682, Batman #683, Batman #684, Batman #685, Captain America #44, Captain America #45, Captain America #46, Daredevil #111, Daredevil #112, Daredevil #113, Daredevil #114, Daredevil #115, Hotwire: Requiem for the Dead #1, Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1

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I wasn't too jazzed by the first issue either, haven't read the second yet. The third is called "President Batman", which sounds straight out of the Silver Age, the fourth has Aquaman in a time travel adventure, and the fifth has Captain Marvel. It looks like they'll pick up after a couple issues out or at least I hope they do.

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Speaking of President Batman, with Marvel bringing out Spider-man/Obama stories and Image doing Savage Dragon/Obama stories I'm wondering if there is a warehouse somewhere with 200,000 copies of a Batman/McCain story waiting to be pulped. Maybe there's a Wonder Woman/Palin issue as well.

Maybe that bit when McCain misspoke and said "I couldn't agree with him more" was actually Michael Keaton's Batman cutting into the transmission. It would explain the "I played this stinkin' country like a harp from hell" comment.

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Just started reading Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life. I think I might write up a review of it for the site, since it's been pretty damn fun so far. I'm surprised there hasn't been any talk about the series over here, since it seems to have a pretty strong fanbase on every other board I visit, especially now that it’s getting adapted into a movie.

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Pride of Baghdad

A beautifully drawn, touching story. The political message might bother some people, but I knew it was there going in, so it didn't come as a surprise to me. Every bit of praise Pride of Baghdad receives, it deserves.


Comic books: 7

Trade paperbacks: 19

Graphic novels: 1

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Planetary vol. 1: All over the world and other stories. Lately I've been feeling Warren Ellis hasn't lived up to the hype on some of his critically acclaimed projects that I read over the past year (Authority, Stormwatch) but this one really lived up to the hype. After finishing the first book, I thought this would also be underwhelming. But as I read more and more, I found myself having fun. Warren Ellis takes a more calm approach in this book deciding not to write the book like a kid on a sugar high (even though, I thought that Nextwave was hilarious). This book makes comics fun again. Each story is completely different from the one before, hitting up different genres each time. I particularly liked his ode to the Hong Kong cop action movie. It really feels like the team is uncovering a secret. Speaking of the team, it's not overflowing, he narrows it down to three members where each member is still unique. Sure I'm completely confused at times and the book goes over my head, I'm still completely unsure of what the larger arc of the book is, but I still had fun.


I'll be reading volumes 2 and 3 soon, I have a couple of weeks left before I have to return them to the library.


Comic books: 0

Trade paperbacks: 8

Daredevil by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson Volumes 1 and 2, The Authority by Ellis/Hitch/Millar/Quietly Volumes 1 (Relentless) and 2 (Under New Management) and 3 (Transfer of Power), Batman: Year One, Batman: The Long Halloween, Planetary vol 1 (All Over the World and Other Stories)

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Green Lantern #38- Just when you think this book can't get any better, it does. The world may just implode from too much coolness by the time Blackest Night comes along. Lots of cool stuff from various different spectrum corps. Plus, I want Agent Orange now!!! Perhaps a little too much time on the Violet Star Sapphires this issue as I'm still not sure what to make of them and have we seen the Purple Compassion Lanterns yet or am I totally off my rocker? 9/10


Comic books: 44

Trade paperbacks: 1

Graphic novels: 0

Green Lantern #36, Final Crisis Secret Files, Final Crisis#6, Green Lantern Corps #32, Faces of Evil: Prometheus Oneshot, Black Lightning: Year One #1, Haunted Tank #2, No Hero #3, Shrapnel: Aristeia Rising #1, Spider-Man Fear Itself, Dark Delicacies #1, Faces of Evil: Deathstroke Oneshot, Green Lantern #37, Myspace Dark Horse Presents Vol. 1, Final Crisis #7, Final Crisis Revelations #5, Faces of Evil: Kobra Oneshot, 1st Issue Special #1, 1st Issue Special #5, 1st Issue Special #6, Amazing Spider-Man #584, Dark Avengers #1, Elephantmen #15, Hellblazer #251, War Machine #2, The Mighty A #1, Faces of Evil: Solomon Grundy Oneshot, Green Lantern Corps #33, Jersey Gods #1, R.E.B.E.Ls #1, Batman #682, Batman #683, Batman #684, Batman #685, Captain America #44, Captain America #45, Captain America #46, Daredevil #111, Daredevil #112, Daredevil #113, Daredevil #114, Daredevil #115, Hotwire: Requiem for the Dead #1, Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1, Green Lantern #38

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Deadpool #1: So, going into this, I know jack-all about the Skrulls/Secret Invasion. However, I know of Deadpool. It's a good introduction to the character (who I find myself really liking), and the character's background up until this point at the back of the book is very much appreciated. Still not entirely sure what's going on, but hey, I'll go with it.

Apparently, all of Deadpool's current run is sold out and in the process of going into second printings, so I'm going to have to wait for the trades to attempt and catch up with the run.

Also, much love to the owners of the comic shop who helped me, a very clear first timer, find her way around the store. Looking forward to going back on payday on Friday and buying more stuff.

Comic Books: 1

TPBs: 15

Graphic Novels: 1

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Also, much love to the owners of the comic shop who helped me, a very clear first timer, find her way around the store. Looking forward to going back on payday on Friday and buying more stuff.

Congratulations, going to a comic shop for the first time is like a geek initiation rite of passage. May your future purchases be as wise as your first.

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Watchmen: Reread this for the I don't even remember how manyth time in anticipation of midnight showing on Friday.

Watchmen was what got me turned on to comics proper in the first place, really. I heard all my friends ranting and raving about how awesome it was, and I asked a friend if I could borrow it off her.

Alan Moore writes an amazing story and characters, when he's not being insane. I like how things kept and kept building in here, and how he uses the appendices and smaller subplots to flesh out the world. Also really like the deconstruction/subversion of all the superhero tropes that are in here.

Comic Books: 1

TPBs: 15

Graphic Novels: 2

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Dark Avengers #1 (Second Printing) - A lot better than I expected, it was actually somewhat fascinating to watch the pieces fall into place for these guys. I love that there are enough mirror-image villains out there to make this concept fly, although I still don't think it's got the legs for more than a dozen issues. For now, though, Osborn alone makes for tremendous material alone and the series rides routinely on his coattails. Deodato's artwork took some getting used to, and is actually the reason I skipped this issue the first time it hit the shelves, but I was feeling it by the last page. The team's transition to power and immediate public acceptance is a tough pill to swallow (it's actually still jammed halfway down my throat) but otherwise this was enjoyable enough.


New Avengers #50 - Billy Tan's artwork gets worse by the minute, and none of the extras they've brought in to help him for this anniversary issue offer any kind of an improvement. After getting used to Deodato's rendition of Daken as a lean, prolific figure in Dark Avengers, Tan's take on the character here as a barrel-chested carbon copy of dear ol' dad would've been funny if it weren't so pathetic. I wish I could say Bendis's story fared any better. This book is like a case study for all the things he's been doing wrong lately; weak characterization, a heavy emphasis on heroes standing around and shooting the shit in full uniform, herky jerky pacing and a big lack of consequence. A misleading cover, ten pages' worth of Avengers loitering before their TV set and another nasty showing from the visual team - yeah, I wish I hadn't bought it.


Also, two contributions to IIWY?: Dynamo5 #0 and X-Factor #39

Comics: 39, TPB: 5

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I read Planetary vol 2 and 3 and it's awesome. It just got better and better as it feels like Ellis builds another world, a world that's really there but hidden from our own. There's not a single bad story in the series that I've read thus far (1-18). Sure, some are more intriguing, but that's what happens when you hit upon almost every single genre there is. This is just a pure fun comic book and while it was more proportioned to all three characters in volume 1, this one takes a hard look and focus on Elijah Snow and it's all the more enjoyable for it. This is the Indiana Jones of comics, just pure fun through and through. If you haven't read this, you should.


Up Next Planetary Cross-over specials.


Comic books: 0

Trade paperbacks: 10

Daredevil by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson Volumes 1 and 2, The Authority by Ellis/Hitch/Millar/Quietly Volumes 1 (Relentless) and 2 (Under New Management) and 3 (Transfer of Power), Batman: Year One, Batman: The Long Halloween, Planetary vol 1 (All Over the World and Other Stories) vol. 2 (The Fourth Man) and vol. 3 (Leaving the 20th Century)

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Death: The High Cost of Living #1: Death is probably one of my favorite characters in the Sandman continuity, period. This is also being turned into a movie, so I thought it was worth a look.

Don't think much of our main male character; don't find him all that deep, still at that stage of being a teenager where he's really whiny. Mad Hettie and Death, though, and their interactions with the world around them are incredibly intriguing and well-written.

Getting the rest of the run on Friday, bought this back in October along with the rest of the comics covered in this post.

Death:The Time of Your Life #1: I think we've probably been introduced to Hazel in the Sandman proper, so that might not be why I don't connect with her quite as well. And also she and the baby are important somehow? I'm missing something, that's all I know going into this.

Either way, like the way that Foxglove and Larry work together, wish we could've had more of that, but Larry's heart attack is a good way to introduce Death into the mix. Foxglove herself is interesting, and I like the insights we get into her here, especially with how she's balancing being who she is and being a celebrity.

Marvel Zombies: I like what Kirkman did with the concept with this. Superhumans get the added ability of sentience on top of the zombie hunger, which makes for good drama (except in the case of emo!Spidey) and interesting insights into the mechanics of zombie-ness. Especially like seeing how being zombie-fied has affected everyone, even the villains, and especially what happens in the last installment.

Watchmen Motion Comic Chapter 1: ...Eh. Would not have paid for this, glad I got it as a bonus for getting a midnight showing ticket.

The animation style's pretty interesting for this; it reminds me of South Park, really. Kind of ambivalent about it.

The one real disadvantage to this is that it's simply one guy doing the voices, which is especially jarring when Laurie comes into the picture. He doesn't even really vary his voice that much, so unless you know the comic/are paying attention to the movements of the characters, it's difficult to tell who's saying what.

Will watch it on the ultimate director's cut, but won't go out of my way to get it.

Comic Books: 3

TPBs: 16

Graphic Novels: 2

Motion Comic: 1

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Death: The High Cost of Living #1: Death is probably one of my favorite characters in the Sandman continuity, period. This is also being turned into a movie, so I thought it was worth a look.

Don't think much of our main male character; don't find him all that deep, still at that stage of being a teenager where he's really whiny. Mad Hettie and Death, though, and their interactions with the world around them are incredibly intriguing and well-written.

You pretty much nailed what Gaiman was going for with that character, and it gets addressed as the series plays out. That mini is one of my all-time favorites, but it does have something of a slow start. Maybe the peak of Chris Bachalo's career, too... just fantastic stuff.

Didn't care nearly as much for The Time of Your Life, though.

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Did anyone read Vertigo's "American Virgin"? It ended about a year ago. I blew through the whole series pretty quickly and was really impressed. I knew that it was canceled early, but I wasn't prepared for the total shit pile of an ending. If your book is cancelled early, be mad; but don't blow it off in a way that will totally destroy your faithful readers.

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Identity crisis: Fun mystery that was good, and even though I know the end, was still fun and a nice different reasoning for it. P.S Deathstroke is awesome.

Infinite crisis: Fun story, looked nice and was good.

DC Universe: Last will and testament. When I complained about the outsiders Geo-Force part making little sense, well this filled in the gaps, and I only picked this up at random. Nice art and an ok story.

Faces Of Evil: Deathstorke. I picked this up to find out more about deathstorke, filled in the gaps in outsiders and last will and testament and was a good story, I really want to read more deathstroke stuff now.

Green Arrow: Quiver. Picked this up at random and enjoyed it, yes it made no sense at the start, but by the end it was really good and made sense. Also this art style which reminds me of Batman: War games. The art in that did not work for a batman book, but it works for Green Arrow and is great.

Green Arrow: Sounds of violence. Kevin Smiths second green arrow story and the introduction of Onompatopeia. This story is great for introducing Onomatopeia and his fight with Green Arrow, the art was good and I enjoyed it and laughed out loud whenever onomatopeia showed up, I love this character and can't wait for Cacophany part three because of this.

Green Arrow: Moving targets.Fun read along the lines of Green Arrows return, but every part opening with us being reminded Ollie was dead and is now alive got annoying.

Green Arrow: City Walls. This is memorable for what it did to make me happy, gave me a good Riddler story! Riddler was the main villian in this and came across as sinister and a real villain which I never got from riddler vs batman in the comics. Riddler chokes someone and as he does it he asks the man riddles. This was an awesome story for how they were able to make the riddler actually villianous and not just a crappy side villain like Batman seems to do.

Green Arrow: moving targets: Riddler returns and Green Arrow faces kingpin.....sorry killer croc, sorry Brick. Good story, though more a set up for the next trade. Riddler was menacing and actually made me believe he would kill green arrow sucessfully in this, and i thought it was great.

Riddler is one f if not my favourite villian ever, and I finally have a story where he is actaully villianous and not just some crap character like he is portrayed in The long halloween and Hush.

On a big green arrow kick right now, as Batman has burned me too much recently.

So I heart Onomatopeia(See signature) and deathstroke(Hope to put in signature.)

All in all the return of green arrow storys after his return so far have been more hit than miss, for me at least.

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