Every film you've watched in 2014


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Manborg - Has been sitting on my coffee table for a month since I bough it cheap. And I was disappointed. It just didn't click with me. I was amused at points, but overall I was underwhelmed. Bio-Cop however, was awesome.

I'm not sure I have the stomach for any more Astron-6 movies based on the insane email I got from the director of Father's Day for my glowingly positive review of his film. Fucking nutbag.

Rolling Thunder: Some movies you have to hate yourself for not watching earlier. This is one of them. Review forthcoming.

Feature Films: 72

Documentaries: 14
Shorts: 16
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The Gamers: Hands of Fate (2013): I've followed the people at Dead Gentlemen Productions for many years. In the past decade and a half, they've put out some fairly entertaining movies, and have gone from making incredibly crude amateurish short films with decently funny scripts to... rather more skillfully made, but still kind of crude, amateurish feature-length films with very funny scripts.

The highlight of their work (other than the online series JourneyQuest) has been The Gamers, which follows a group of RPG players and the campaigns they run. The first one was quite short and fairly amusing and focused mainly on the campaign story, but the second one, Dorkness Rising, was actually pretty good and had an even real-life-to-campaign-hijinks split. This most recent one changes the game in question from D&D to a CCG, and while that means that the "game story" section is nonsensical and not very compelling, it means that most of the emphasis is on the actual characters, which gives the story more weight than it otherwise would have. Not brilliant, but I can always get behind a company that learns how to make movies by making movies, and the cast is appealing.

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Rise of the Planet of the Apes: I started a new category. Rewatches are for movies I watch a second time during this same year. This is the first one. Even better than last time. This is one of the best sci fi movies made during my lifetime. Amazing. Can't wait for the sequel. The moment where Caesar bites the neighbor's finger off scared the shit out of my kids, but they loved the rest of the movie.

Feature Films: 72

Documentaries: 14
Shorts: 16
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When I rewatch this - and I do a lot - I always start when Caesar gets to the Sanctuary and finds out how apes are REALLY treated. I really should watch it from the beginning a few times.

And yeah, I can't wait for the sequel either. It's next month now.

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As they say in the extras, its about end of one civilization and beginning of another. Makes sense they'd stick with Caesar.

Also, in the extras, they point out that in the original ape movies there was this lore about the First Ape who was called Caesar, about the day he stood up and said 'No'. This movie was all about leading up to that moment. And of course the prison break. :)

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RotPotA was probably the most under-appreciated mainstream movie of 2011. It just got so many things right about the characters, effects and overall story. Amazing to see someone take a 60's scifi premise and refuse to merely remake it, nstead recontextualising the material to try and create something fresh. I mean, on paper it's one of those things that's almost created to fail, a prequel to a famous sci-fi premise but they knocked it out of the park by grounding it so well.

I'm pretty pumped for the new one. Although the naming structure is still mightily clumsy. I do like the deliberate use of the word Dawn though, with Zombies being pretty overexposed it feels like this is a good alternate route for a post-apocalyptic franchise to go but using that word clearly nods to other influences.

Looking forward to loving the new one and getting the hashtag #apestrong going.

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G.B.F.: First off, this got an R-rating for no reason I can tell. First things first, I watched this partially since, despite being gay, I rarely watch or enjoy gay cinema. However, it being Pride Month and all, trying to expand my horizons. This movie wasn't bad. If I had to compare it to something, Mean Girls springs to mind. It's funny and has some of the heart that made Mean Girls great while also being able to say something. That said, it almost feels too much like Mean Girls. Also, I spent half the movie trying to figure out who someone was only to figure out that is was Luna Lovegood so woo, she's getting work still.

Also, no one was Regina George but then, who is?

Maleficent: Thoughts in a future Hey Gurlfriend.

Films: 37

Documentaries: 2

Direct to DVD Films: 5

Rifftrax/MST3k Assisted Films: 6

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Star Wars: Episode 3.1: Turn to the Dark Side: This is the edit that was making the rounds a few weeks ago of all three prequels edited into a single two and a half hour film. It's mostly successful, given that it still only has what's in the prequels to work with (as well as some deleted scenes from the Blu Rays which are cut in to make things flow better). For the most part things are presented from Anakin's point of view, and other storylines happen offscreen or are cut out entirely. The Darth Maul lightsaber duel is literally the only thing from Episode I to make it in; Obi-Wan promises to train Anakin as Qui-Gon lays dying, and then a caption reading "Ten years later..." leads us into the assassination attempt on Padme.

Anakin is considerably less whiny, although there's still some there, because you don't turn into Darth Vader if you're not already kind of an asshole. Obi Wan doesn't have a massive amount of stuff to do (his encounters with Jango Fett and the clone army all happen offscreen while Anakin and Padme are doing their thing, but are referred to when the John Carter rescue attempt happens). But this has the effect of making the story all about Anakin's fall, with a lot fewer distractions, and tightens the whole thing up.

Not perfect by any stretch, but an interesting exercise.

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Snow White: A Tale of Terror: May require a rewatch. Almost any time Weaver's not onscreen, it's kinda lacking. The misfits standing in for the dwarves are very one-note and we really have no reason to sympathize with Snow White or the Queen once she goes off the deep end.

Ever After: Anachronistic and a little schmaltzy here and there, but nonetheless one of the best re-imaginings of a fairy tale I've ever seen. Cinderella isn't a submissive slave, but a driven, free-thinking woman who doesn't need a prince to save her, yet isn't a forced badass either. Huston's cold and conniving but excellent at feigning warmth and charm and very sexy. Plus, Leonardo da Vinci(!) is the fairy godmother figure.


Extremely mixed feelings about this one. In the hands of someone like Neil Gaiman, it could have been one of the best alternate takes on a fairy tale ever. As it stands, it's wildly uneven: Jolie is stunning and Fanning's a very good child actress, but the fairies are fucking wretched and Stefan's a shallow, dour villain played by Cosplay David Tennant; the Moors are inhabited by sinister, del Toro-like wood warriors but also cutesy rejects from Oz the Great and Powerful; the christening scene is awesome and I actually wish I had experienced this in 3D, but the story's half-baked and the movie doesn't know whether it wants to be comfortably PG or a hard PG-13.

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Haven't posted in this thread yet. Let's see...


Thoroughly decent. I enjoyed it to a comfortably mild degree. Not anywhere close to the classic that the original is, but still worth watching.

The Lego Movie

I don't think I was as over-the-moon happy with this movie as most people, but I still liked it a lot.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier


Veronica Mars

So this was basically just one giant reunion episode, not a proper standalone movie. But it was still a good reunion episode, so that's fine I guess.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Spider-Man moments are near-perfect, and Harry is insanely well-acted (until the end), but everything else is kinda shoddy.

X-Men: Days of Future Past

The triumphant return of X2 that I've been waiting for since 2003. Loved it.

How to Train Your Dragon

I somehow didn't see this until now, probably because I have an intense distrust of non-Disney animated movies. But with all the praise about it and the sequel coming out this year, I figured, eh, what the heck. And it was pretty great. I wish I'd seen it sooner.

How to Train Your Dragon 2

Just saw it earlier today. This is, hands down, my favorite movie of the year thus far. After I got home, I hopped on Flickchart, added it to my list, started sorting it, then legitimately had to stop and think about it when faced with the decision of HTTYD2 versus The Lion King. Lion King won in the end, but still, the fact that I had to really carefully consider it should prove something. This movie is pretty incredible.

Films: 8

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Ghostbusters: One of the best films of the 80s. Always fun, even as something I just throw on for the heck of it. It was on Hulu so I figured I'd throw it on as background noise and then I did end up just having a background thing I was doing while I watched Ghostbusters.

Ghostbusters 2: When I was a kid, Vigo scared the shit out of me. Seriously, freaked me out. As an adult, I still have fun with it but I can recognize the holes in it all. Still, a fun film.

Films: 39
Documentaries: 2
Direct to DVD Films: 5
Rifftrax/MST3k Assisted Films: 6

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Rubber: Fucking. Interminable. Out of all the movies I've watched this year, this is by far the worst. This might be the worst fucking movie I have ever seen in my fucking life. I'd be angrier right now but I'm so fucking tired from dragging my lifeless corpse through that shower of assholes of a movie that I just want to go to bed. Fuck.

Feature Films: 75

Documentaries: 14
Shorts: 16
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Finally, someone else hated that thing too.

Rubber - What a fucking load of shit this was. My god. A self-proclaimed celebration of the nonsensical that still managed to be boring and joyless.

This was a 10 minute indie short stretched over 84 unholy minutes of eye rolling meta-masturbation.

Easily the worst movie I've seen in a long time, and this is coming from someone that just watched Birdemic.

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