Superman: Man of Steel

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Grant Morrison's comments on the new Superman movie:

I can’t wait to see what they do. There are so many ways to tell Superman stories that might resonate with a modern audience, and I’m looking forward to see how Zack Snyder approaches it. Things I’d personally like to see are a non-camp Luthor, some other villains like Metallo or Brainiac and a more vigorous, go-getting Superman. The noble attempts to portray him as a Christ-like, American redeemer figure in ‘Superman Returns’ had the unfortunate effect of making him a limp and wimpy punch bag. Superman is a highly principled hero, but he’s no pacifist; he’s a brawler who doesn’t give in until he’s dead or the bad guy’s down, and I’d like to see a bit more of that grit.
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Grant Morrison's comments on the new Superman movie:

I can’t wait to see what they do. There are so many ways to tell Superman stories that might resonate with a modern audience, and I’m looking forward to see how Zack Snyder approaches it. Things I’d personally like to see are a non-camp Luthor, some other villains like Metallo or Brainiac and a more vigorous, go-getting Superman. The noble attempts to portray him as a Christ-like, American redeemer figure in ‘Superman Returns’ had the unfortunate effect of making him a limp and wimpy punch bag. Superman is a highly principled hero, but he’s no pacifist; he’s a brawler who doesn’t give in until he’s dead or the bad guy’s down, and I’d like to see a bit more of that grit.

I agree. Lets see him punch somebody.

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Grant Morrison's comments on the new Superman movie:

I can’t wait to see what they do. There are so many ways to tell Superman stories that might resonate with a modern audience, and I’m looking forward to see how Zack Snyder approaches it. Things I’d personally like to see are a non-camp Luthor, some other villains like Metallo or Brainiac and a more vigorous, go-getting Superman. The noble attempts to portray him as a Christ-like, American redeemer figure in ‘Superman Returns’ had the unfortunate effect of making him a limp and wimpy punch bag. Superman is a highly principled hero, but he’s no pacifist; he’s a brawler who doesn’t give in until he’s dead or the bad guy’s down, and I’d like to see a bit more of that grit.


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I think the important thing to remember is that we've never seen Lex Luthor in a Superman film before. We've seen his crazy cousin, Lex LuthER, evil real estate agent, but never the Luthor from the comics.

I think it'd be good to have Lex there, though perhaps not as the main villain. I mean, if they're keeping the "Lex is the evil corporate lord of Metropolis" angle, then it wouldn't make sense for him to not be there.

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Really, have Luthor as the guy you know is evil, Supes knows is evil, but at the end of the movie, he's still there. He was the force behind the villain but they can't prove he gave Metallo the kryptonite. That was all funded by a division that we cut funds to months ago.

This. I strongly believe you need Lex Luthor to help establish Superman's world. The whole "ugh, NO MORE LUTHOR" and "MUST BE VIOLENT!" movements is based upon what people didn't like about the previous films. Even if the Snyder/Nolan film is a reboot for a whole new continuity, their hands are tied by expectation because of how much Superman Returns sucked.

Make him a background antagonist rather than the lead villain and it should be fine.

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Really, have Luthor as the guy you know is evil, Supes knows is evil, but at the end of the movie, he's still there. He was the force behind the villain but they can't prove he gave Metallo the kryptonite. That was all funded by a division that we cut funds to months ago.

Make him a background antagonist rather than the lead villain and it should be fine.


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Viggo Mortensen is rumored to be in the running for the part of General Zod in Zack Snyder's Superman, says a story at The Hollywood Reporter.

Don't jump to any conclusions quite yet, though. Zod's involvement in the storyline is unconfirmed, and Mortensen's connection to the role is tenuous at best. The original article lists him as a "person of interest," but he's also rumored to be up for the lead in Snow White and the Hunstman, a project that would certainly preclude his involvement in the DC Comics adaptation.

Also included in the original article is the rumor that Snyder is currently casting for three female roles. If Zod is, indeed, in the script, one of those roles is likely that of the previously-rumored Ursa who, in both the comics and previous films, was Zod's right-hand woman.

While other recent reports have rumored Kevin Costner in the role of Jonathan Kent (Clark's father), the only confirmed bit of casting at this stage remains Henry Cavill as the man of steel of himself. Expect that to change shortly, though, as production will begin very soon for a December 2012 release.

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I'd prefer him as the latter rather than the former. Like Mike, I'm sorta of the mind that Superman should be the last remaining Kryptonian and that the presence of Zod or Supergirl negates his epithet "the last son of Krypton". Also, it would be hard to top Terence Stamp's version of the character.

Just like it would be hard to top Jack Nicholson's Joker? These things can be done.

I'm OK with Zod, he's just not my first choice for a villain. Has anyone seen Viggo as a villain? Are we thinking icy control of the original or something more like Bana's Nero in Star Trek, an obsessive basket-case?

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I'd prefer him as the latter rather than the former. Like Mike, I'm sorta of the mind that Superman should be the last remaining Kryptonian and that the presence of Zod or Supergirl negates his epithet "the last son of Krypton". Also, it would be hard to top Terence Stamp's version of the character.

Just like it would be hard to top Jack Nicholson's Joker? These things can be done.

Perhaps, but I'm not sure if General Zod can be interpreted and portrayed in as many ways as the Joker can. I guess it would hinge as much on his motivations as his characterization. I'd still see the film if Zod was the main antagonist, but I think the makers of the Batman and the upcoming Spider-Man reboot had the right idea when they decided to start off with a villain audiences haven't seen before.

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I agree with you that I would rather see a new villain. Continuing with the Star Trek nod, it would be like if the next film in that series used Khan. On the other hand, I think there's a lot that can be done with Zod and he isn't as classic a villain as others. Sure, Stamp's performance is classic in terms of comic book movies, but it isn't untouchable.

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