Every film you've watched in 2014


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Rewind This: A wonderful documentary about the impact of VHS on the film industry. The people they talk to and the topics they discuss don't shy away from the less glamorous parts of the format. Porn comes up, tape swapping, and the usual weird subject comes up. Definitely recommended if for no other reason than it gives you something to look for when you're at a swap meet.

Repo Man: I'm still processing this film. It's fucking weird yet charming at the same time. I think I like it but I'm still not 100% sure. Definitely quotable though and some of the more bizarre moments remind me of David Lynch. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to eat a can of Food.

Films: 13

Documentaries: 2

Direct to DVD Films: 4

Rifftrax/MST3k Assisted Films: 4

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Rewind This: A wonderful documentary about the impact of VHS on the film industry. The people they talk to and the topics they discuss don't shy away from the less glamorous parts of the format. Porn comes up, tape swapping, and the usual weird subject comes up. Definitely recommended if for no other reason than it gives you something to look for when you're at a swap meet.

I saw this last year in the local art house when it was making the post-festival rounds, and I could not possibly recommend seeing it enough. It was absolutely wonderful. Fascinating stuff.

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First trip to the cinema this year was last night, and I used it for 300: Rise of an Empire. I'm planning on pairing it with a review of Captain America: Winter Soldier (which I'm planning to see next week) for Comic Reel-lief, so I won't go into it too much. Essentially, think Back to the Future Part II, as the narrative jumps all over the timeline of the first film, with Gerard Butler being the absentee Crispin Glover. And Eva Green is pretty damn fantastic in it.

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I'd agree with that summation. She's the best part of the film. I enjoyed the timeline of the film and how it is more of a companion to the first film than it is a sequel. Still, it's more of the same from the first but not as innovative.

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Seriously the best part of that movie. Even without being a pervert. It was the most dynamic and best directed fighting in the whole movie.

I'd struggle to disagree with that. Which is probably a bad indicator for the film's quality as a whole, but conversely, will keep me occupied for those long nights at sea...

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Seriously the best part of that movie. Even without being a pervert. It was the most dynamic and best directed fighting in the whole movie.

I'd struggle to disagree with that. Which is probably a bad indicator for the film's quality as a whole, but conversely, will keep me occupied for those long nights at sea...

A lovely image. Thank you.

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Scooby Doo! WrestleMania Mystery: About what you would expect. It's far from the best thing Scooby Doo but it has moments of self-awareness and it does the fan service for the wrestling geeks good enough. Some of the wrestlers that appear are questionable but ehh, whatever, The Miz gets flattened by a Demon Bear in the first few minutes. Good enough for me.

It struck me about a half hour in that I don't think that I have ever watch any Scooby Doo before. This movie tells me it was the correct call. Outside of the randomness of Sin Cara, I was bored.

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As I have said many times before, Mystery Incorporated is fully worth watching. It is, quite honestly, the best piece of Scooby Doo that has been produced.

That is admittedly not a high bar to clear. However, it is incredibly entertaining and legitimately hilarious.

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Fuckin' hell! It's been a week since I watched a movie and the last one I watched was fucking Frozen. Ugh...Thankfully, I had this movie, on recommendation from You Know Who and from sitting in my Netflix Queue for a couple weeks to be the exact opposite of Frozen (ie: it's good.)

The Hunt: Mads Mikkelsen is a kindergarten teacher accused of sexually abusing his student/best friend's daughter and other children in the class. Every male teacher's nightmare. Sad, brutal, intense and brilliantly acted. I'm not sure how much I enjoyed the handheld camerawork, but the rest of the film makes up for it. Mikkelsen is great. The kid who plays his son is brilliant. Everybody is great. Intense movie. Not one to throw on if you have a couple friends over with some beer, but real cinema. Watch it in a dark room alone.

Feature Films: 44
Documentaries: 10
Shorts: 13
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Under the Cherry Moon - Thus ends my look at the Prince filmography. What to say. This most closely resembles a real movie. Characters have names and I think there was a story? I did not know going in that this was also directed by Prince, which explains... a lot. Everything is bad. The acting. The music. The dialogue. The costumes. The black & white. Even the kissing is some of the most awkward I have ever seen. This is a horrible film, yet I was entertained. When I watched Graffiti Bridge I was bored. This provided me with more than enough laughs to say I didn't waste my time. Could have used some Morris Day tho.

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West of Memphis: I was a little put off when this was first announced. Clearly, the Paradise Lost guys had that corner of the documentary world more than covered with their three films covering the Ws=est Memphis 3. This is a case VERY important to me, that I have followed since it happened. I looked a lot like Damien Echols as a teen, and acted a lot like him, and got beat up for listening to heavy metal, and got called weird and a fag for reading freaky books and writing freaky shit. Now, I have two children the age of the boys who were killed. It is a very difficult watch, but this film looks at the whole thing from crime to release from prison in a tour de force doc of a little over 2 hours. The PL films are great, but they take seven hours to cover that kind of spectrum. Ironically, it's producer Peter Jackson who brings us the condensed version! This is an amazing film. If you want a powerful documentary, watch this. If you want to study the case watch PL 1-3.
Fun fact: it clued me in near the end of the film as they were interviewing Eddie Vedder (I watched this with my History Through Film 12 class of 6 kids aged 14-19). I said, "do you guys even know who that is?" They all said no. I said "That's the singer of Pearl Jam." Two of the girls said "Oh yeah!" and the other four were like "Who's that?" Fuck, I'm old.
Fun Fact #2: the access to footage that the PL guys had was incredible. So incredible, that this film HAS to credit them for footage used. Also, the second PL film portrays a player in this case so poorly that they should probably be sued.
Feature Films: 44
Documentaries: 11
Shorts: 13
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Rise of the Planet of the Apes: When I first saw the first trailer for this, I thought it looked like a Funny Or Die video. I picked it up on blu for cheap and made it my first watch on my new and improved home theater. Goddamn. Pretty good. There's a nice exploitation film meets eighties family sci fi crossover with the storyline that pays very nice homage to the original films in several ways. I'm not sure I'll ever buy James Franco, but Caesar is the star of this one. The plot is very precise. It takes its time and wows with one of the best third acts I've seen in a long time. Great flick. I will try to see the sequel in theater after that.
Feature Films: 45
Documentaries: 11
Shorts: 13
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Man with the Iron Fists: This was pitched to me as RZA's ten year old little brother GMs a game of Exalted, and Russell Crowe shows up drunk halfway through. This is not inaccurate. Pretty, nice soundtrack, but doesn't offer too much beyond that. For extra fun, watch with your Religious Studies major friends and watch them slowly but surely blow a gasket when it gets to the abbey scenes (the words taotarian buddiversalist were used).

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The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai Across the Eighth Dimension: just finished this. Not really sure what the hell I just saw, but it's pretty amazing.

No matter where you go, there you are.

Seeing that at a theater was the best part of going to the Vancouver Fan Expo with Darryll last year. And it wasn't even part of the con.

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