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Do you just hate joy?

Glad someone said it.

I'm sorry, I mean I get that Austen is going to be Austen, and he's gonna "Suave", but... seriously, what the hell?

I just didn't find it that funny. I was really looking forward to it, and then I finally saw it, and said "Oh...is that it?"

I just don't get how you don't enjoy, like, anything.

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I LOVED The Hangover. However, I totally get the phenomenon of not being impressed by a comedy that gets that kind of hype. Time and again I've went into a comedy expecting to be wowed because of the lavish praise it gets, only to be underwhelmed.

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Do you just hate joy?

Glad someone said it.

I'm sorry, I mean I get that Austen is going to be Austen, and he's gonna "Suave", but... seriously, what the hell?

I just didn't find it that funny. I was really looking forward to it, and then I finally saw it, and said "Oh...is that it?"

I just don't get how you don't enjoy, like, anything.

Well, you'd be pretty glum if you lived in Glasgow.

I was a late arriver to The Hangover - I only watched it for the first time two months ago - and I found it funny without being hilarious. I'm a big fan of Ed Helms though so I was bound to like it.

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The Ruins - Well, Top of the Ruins would be more accurate. Good to see Sean Ashmore in the role of the cocky college student a good eight years after playing the most boring Iceman ever written.

I actually really liked this despite finding all but one of the main characters completely unlikeable.

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The Ruins - Well, Top of the Ruins would be more accurate. Good to see Sean Ashmore in the role of the cocky college student a good eight years after playing the most boring Iceman ever written.

I actually really liked this despite finding all but one of the main characters completely unlikeable.

Yeah, not fantastic, but it is a horror film that came out theatrically that a) had no zombies, b) had no slashers, c) had no Japanese ghosts and d) fucking went for it. It's a nice little mean-spirited film that keeps you on your toes. Not a game changer but probably the best theatrical horror film the year it came out.

O Brother Where Art Thou?: Not the best film ever made, but I love it due to the use of music and the adaptation of Greek Mythology. George Clooney kills it, too.

This is one of my favorite movies. John Goodman as the Cyclops is my favorite role of his.

I have watched on Netflix instant view:

Dr Horrible-watched for five minutes, and discovered that: 1. It's a ripoff of Dr. Steel who had been doing the same thing for a year or two before DH was even thought up, 2. the jokes were flat and completely unfunny, and 3. the first song was lame. Turned it off after five minutes.

Harlan Ellison: Dreams with Sharp Teeth-Fucking beautiful, hilarious, honest and sad documentary portrayal of one of the greats. Amazing stuff.

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Dr Horrible-watched for five minutes, and discovered that: 1. It's a ripoff of Dr. Steel who had been doing the same thing for a year or two before DH was even thought up, 2. the jokes were flat and completely unfunny, and 3. the first song was lame. Turned it off after five minutes.

You have no soul.

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Dr Horrible-watched for five minutes, and discovered that: 1. It's a ripoff of Dr. Steel who had been doing the same thing for a year or two before DH was even thought up, 2. the jokes were flat and completely unfunny, and 3. the first song was lame. Turned it off after five minutes.

You have no soul.


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As part of my recent examination of certain franchises, this weekend I shall watch the Hannibal Lecter series in chronological order- Hannibal Rising, Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal. No I'm not doing Manhunter, I'm sticking with the Hopkins-continuity. This is mostly to see how these disparate attempts to cash in stand up as a whole.

Hannibal Rising- Doesn't seem like a cheap cash-in per se, just the work of a less skilled director. There's not much in the way of subtlety here, the over-riding filmic conventions sort of diminish the significance of some of the events. Rhys Ifans is in it though, so that's a plus.

Overall, a very muddled film. The character of Hannibal shouldn't be justified as some sort of sick anti-hero. To sympathise with him is to utterly neuter him. What an utter waste of the character.

Red Dragon- God, the cast of this just destroys Hannibal Rising. Ed Norton, Ralph Fiennes, Emily Watson, Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Harvey Keitel as well as for the first time in this session Sir Tony. Throw in the more than competent direction of Brett Ratner and you've got something far more in keeping with the reputation that SOTL built. It's got a nice basic procedural basis like these films should have, it makes the fucked up shit stand out far more.

Silence of the Lambs- Genuinely awesome, especially the performance of Jodie Foster. The way her character grows into the role that's been handed to her is the lynchpin of this film, the blood, guts and psychos are really just window dressing. Still, those extra factors do add a lot of impending threat and horror to the events. Interestingly this film is far more graphic than Red Dragon, which followed over ten years later. Was Red Dragon chasing a bigger audience with a lower rating, trying to grab the bigger crowd? I suspect so. The performance of Hannibal is one of those things that is so often imitated and parodied that you expect the original to be slightly more toned down, but it really isn't. It's a giant glazed ham of a performance, but fortunately it's fairly limited in terms of screen time and that makes it effective. That wouldn't be the case with the sequel.

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Pan's Labyrinth - I went into this expecting to spend the entire time in a gorgeous fantasy world crafted by Del Toro and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a completely different film. A much more powerful one than the film I expected would have been as well. As fantastic as everyone says.

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To be fair, Hammer doesn't come in until... 15 minutes in? And for those who don't like Whedon, it's a touch long to wait.

True. I almost stopped watching after the first couple of minutes when I saw it for the first time, but my sister's friend was insistent that I keep going for just a few minutes more. Good thing, too. (At this point I was completely unfamiliar with Whedon's work.)

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That's the thing, the episode was written specifically to take advantage of being a live episode and work with those tropes. I think it worked pretty well. I will say you don't have to watch both feeds though since the only real changes were who sang the theme song and the fake commercials.

Oh, I agree, it was awesome. And the Doctors infomercial: "Hey, why can't we let the dog watch....oh I've finished call yourself a cab" was brilliant.

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Superman: The Movie

Prepare for various drunken edits.

-I fucking HATE Marlon Brando as Jor-El. Like, a fucking lot.

-The destruction of Krypton is a lot more violent that I recalled. Good show. Very fitting for an Apocalypse.

-Clark having his powers instantly (i.e. the truck lifting) doesn't sit well with me, but makes for a really good moment.

-Teenage Clark could not look less like Christopher Reeve if he tried.

-Johnathan Kent is perfect in this movie. Totally fucking perfect. He's the wise nurturing dad he's always meant to be.

-Aaaand he's dead. Because two dead parents were somehow not enough for Superman. Maybe Brainac should show up and rape Martha for added angst.

-Jor-El has been dead for thousands of years? What?

-And goddammit, Brando. It's Kryp-TON. Not Kryp-TIN.

-They really could have set up Brainiac well with the "accumulated knowledge of the 28 known galaxies in these crystals."

-I take severe issue with Clark fucking around for 12 years, getting a costume, and then getting a job at the Planet... WHEN HE DIDN'T EVEN FINISH FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL.

-The first scene with Clark, Lois, Perry and Jimmy is fucking awesome. Clark fucking with the bottle is pure genius.

-"Anymore at home like you?" "Not really, no." Perfect. This movie starts slow, but as soon as we get to the actual stars it really picks up.

-The alley/mugging scene is fucking great. Again, owing to how much Reeve gets Clark/Superman.

-Ned Beatty is a fine actor. He has no business in this film, at all.

-I have my issues with how Luthor is written in this film, but Hackman makes the very most of it. A joy to watch.

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